chapter 13

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"What are you doing here?" Siddharth said with anger clear in his eyes

"are you okay?" said the man with worry in his voice

"it's none of your business" Siddharth said very rudely

"how did this happen?" he asked, trying to control his anger

"as I said, ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS"Siddharth shouted at him

"do not shout at your fa-" Siddharth cut him off "do not even dare to say that word" Siddharth said while glaring at him and gritting his teeth

"zara how did this happen" he said while looking at zara, Siddharth looked at zara warning her to not say anything

"Im sorry Siddharth but I have to"

she gave him a sorry look before turning to the man and explained everything she knows, at the end he looked like he was fuming with anger and then suddenly he took out his gun, which was at the back of his pant and was covered by his coat so I didn't see it earlier, he pointed the gun at me,

"baba noooo" Siddharth shouted and tried to get up but obviously couldn't as zara snatched the gun  from his hand and threw it to the other side of the room,

oh what I was I doing? not moving, cause I was so shocked that I froze at my place and didnt dare to move,

"what the freak are you doi-" I heard Siddharth was shouting at his dad when I slowly started to faint and everything just went black.

Siddharths pov

When he pointed his gun at avneet my heart stopped working, I tried to get up, but cause of my injuries I couldn't, but thanks to zara she snatched the gun from him before he could shoot.

I saw avneet making sure if she was alright, but she was pale and so shocked that she froze in her place, I was so angry, more than you could ever imagine, that angry that my eyes and my whole face went red

"what the freak are you doin-" but before I could finish, I heard a thud sound of someone falling,

I tured my head to see, and saw avneet on the floor, pale

"what the freak" I shouted at my so called father

"what did you do to her?" I shouted again, I was so angry, and so scared that something might happen to her

"I didnt do anything, I promise" he said trying to defend himself

"you and your promises, stopped believing in them a long time ago" I spat at him

"Siddharth not now! she has fainted because of the shock, we need to call the doctor goddamnit" zara shouted at me putting some sense in my brain,

"kartik go call the doctor" I said to kartik and he ran to call the doctor.

"You dont need to worry, she just fainted because of the shock, she will wake up in an hour or two"

the doctor said and I signed in relief,

"doctor can you shift her into my room, cause I wanna see her but..." I said while pointing at my body

"Sure" the doctor smiled and went from there

"you need to go" I said to my so called father

"I was just protecting you" my father said trying to defend himself,

"oh protecting my foot, because of your 'protecting' look what happened to her, just get out" I said the part protecting in quotes and the last part while gritting my teeth.

I hate him with all my heart, the door opened and two men nurses were pushing avneets bed, which had wheels so it was easy, she had IV attached to her left hand and I was on her right side and her bed was close to me.

when I saw her, a feeling of relaxation hit me, and I signed in relief,

"when will she get discharged?" I asked zara

"the doctor said tomorrow" she said and I nodded, I know she is my rival but that is the last thought which was coming to mind, she is kind of like my friend but she is my rival, maybe she is my frival?, ok that sounded like a starbucks drink for some reason, maybe she is a different type of a rival, A rival that I care about...........

Okay I hope you guys like the chapter, and if you did then pls pls pls vote and comment, it motivates me, :-)bubayeee

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