Chapter Twenty

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We let the waters rise. We drifted to survive
I needed you to stay. But I let you drift away
My love where are you?
My love where are you?
Natalie Taylor
                             __His First July

Chapter Twenty


Leave it to my Mom to get me a suit with my exact measurements, and even now as I stood right in front of the mirror in her work room, she fluttered around, checking and rechecking every seam to make sure everything was how she ordered it... I didn't stop her though, it was my first dance anyway, she's only trying to make everything perfect for me. Even if it's a little bit extra, and even if I felt like she was all over my face, I didn't complain. 

"Are you sure it fits you perfectly?" She asked. 

"Yes, father's wife... It fits like a glove, Cinderella's slipper doesn't even come close." 

She rolled her eyes, but a smile was still on her face. 

"I can't believe it's finally here Colby... I'm so sorry, we should have done this sooner, we should have given you this side of life- if we-" 

"Mom... Don't start please... My life is perfect, okay... There's no 'we should have' anywhere. Heaven knows what could have happened if you had actually thought of this idea sooner, so... No regrets Mom, please." 

She smiled, looking at my reflection from the mirror. "I knew." She said after a short moment of silence. 

"You knew what?" 

"When I met your Dad, I knew we were gonna have beautiful babies. You know, it was actually one of the reasons why I decided to marry him, I was so eager to see how our baby would look." 

My eyes widened a bit as they settled on hers. "Seriously?”

"Yes Colby, I was so eager. I mean, I knew my baby was gonna be flawless... And when you were born, I fell in love with your pretty face... Although I was scared because well- you had issues with your eyes. You were like a little cat, so cute and innocent... I lost myself, honestly." 

I smiled, looking back at my reflection again.

"And when you began to grow up, I still marveled at how perfect you were. I really did spoil you Colby... I was so proud whenever I took you out with me to see my friends and their babies... Oh, you should have seen me during 'Mummy and me' I was a badass, everyone wanted to hold you, but you never really liked the crowd, and you wouldn't leave my arms." 

"Can I ask a question?" 

She nodded. 

"Did I ever puke on you?" 

She furrowed her brows, looking at me like I'd suddenly grown two horns. "Sometimes I wonder why you ask these weird questions." 

Yeah, I wanted her to stop thinking about me like I'm already dead. I mean, there's still a little bit of time. So that question was asked purposely to tear her away from her reverie. 

His First JulyWhere stories live. Discover now