Chapter 637-641

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Chapter 637: Things of the Past

After opening QQ, Zhao Fu found that there were quite a few messages waiting for him.

Niu Gu: Bro, where'd you go?

Lin Qingyu: Bastard, are you going to return that $5 I lent you? I trusted your character and lent you that money!

Boss Dong: Ai, I closed the shop. Now that there's the Heaven Awaken World, business has gone down.

The first message was from Niu Gu. He was Zhao Fu's former co-worker, and he had already met him in the Heaven Awaken World. Zhao Fu had brought him into Heaven's Choice, and he was currently being protected in the Ying family's residence. After Heaven's Choice had been destroyed, he had been sent to another region to develop there.

Zhao Fu had never thought that the first message would be from him. It seemed that he really saw Zhao Fu as a friend, and Zhao Fu's treatment had not been in vain.

The second message was from Lin Qingyu, who was a shop assistant Zhao Fu had worked with. Her looks were delicate and pretty, but she was quite stingy. Zhao Fu had forgotten his money once and borrowed $5, and even then she had hesitated for a long time.

The third was from the owner of the convenience store that he had worked at, and she was called Dong Meimei. Her personality was quite bright and cheerful, and she was a young wife. She had a 1-year-old child and a good character, and she treated her workers well.

Zhao Fu had foreseen her shop closing, as most people spent the majority of their time within the Heaven Awaken World. There was barely anyone to maintain production and transportation in the real world, and the world's economy was facing collapse.

Moreover, the world economy was only hanging in there because of the combined efforts of the governments and large families. Without their support, the real world would have collapsed long ago. Without any production, there would not be any spending, and this would become a vicious cycle. Before the Heaven Awaken World devoured the real world, the real world would have already fallen into chaos.

Of these three people, there was no need to worry about Niu Gu, and Lin Qingyu just so happened to be online, so Zhao Fu sent over a message for her to send him her bank account details.

Lin Qingyu quickly replied: Have you come back to life, you bastard? Give me back my money, or you're dead!

Zhao Fu couldn't help but smile. Even though Lin Qingyu was quite stingy, their relationship was quite good. As such, he had asked for her bank account details.

Lin Qingyu asked curiously: Why do you want my bank account details? I'll just take that $5 loss and pretend that I threw it away; there's no need for you to return it. What have you been doing all this time?

Lin Qingyu's words were quite sharp, but Zhao Fu was not angry. He smiled as he replied, "I've been quite busy, but hurry up and give me your bank account details!"

"Ah, alright, my bank account details are..." Seeing that Zhao Fu was not giving up, Lin Qingyu felt quite strange and sent over her bank account details.

Soon, Lin Qingyu received a message that she had received $500,000. Lin Qingyu was given a big fright - this was the first time that she had seen so much money before.

Thinking about the fact that she had just given Zhao Fu her bank account details, she quickly sent a message, "Why do you have so much money? Did you sell yourself? Are you trying to buy me with this money?"

Zhao Fu lightly laughed as he replied, "I have plenty of money; that money is for you. Also, I have no intentions towards you at all!"

Seeing this, Lin Qingyu coldly harrumphed and replied unhappily, "I wouldn't consider you either. I'll save your money for you, but if you want interest, it'll be $1 per day. I'm going into the Heaven Awaken World now."

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