Chapter 662-666

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Chapter 662: Corpse General

The Corpse General and its Corpse Horse were incredibly fast. It would be impossible for Zhao Fu to outrun them, so he had to use other things to restrict their speed.

Zhao Fu once again set up countless vines, because if the vines could trip up the Corpse Horse, it would give him a lot of time, and he also made some other traps.

After finishing preparations, Zhao Fu took out a Corpse Soul Bow that he had obtained and stood as far away as possible before shooting an arrow. The arrow was very fast, but it was still easily dodged by the Corpse General.

The Corpse General's blood-red eyes looked over at Zhao Fu, and they gave off a sense of ferocity. In the next moment, the Corpse General and its Corpse Horse turned into black blurs and shot at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu was given a big fright, and he did not hesitate to immediately run.

In just an instant, Zhao Fu felt a trace of coldness behind him, which was quite terrifying. Zhao Fu gritted his teeth and ran onwards towards where he had bound some vines.

After desperately running for a while, he had finally reached his trap area, but Zhao Fu did not slow down. However, he did slightly look back to see how his traps had done.

However, Zhao Fu had failed - there was intelligence in the Corpse General's eyes, and it was not as stupid as the ordinary Corpse Soldiers.

It had quickly discovered the traps and had used its saber to dismantle the traps and avoid them.

This gave Zhao Fu a big fright, and he continued to run at full speed. However, in just a few minutes, he felt a sharp saber qi approach from behind, and he felt as if it could split him in half.

Zhao Fu could tell that the Corpse General had caught up to him, so he dove to the side. The saber qi obliterated a tree in front of him, and even though he had avoided being split in half, there were some scratches on his face, causing blood to flow out.

However, Zhao Fu did not mind this at all, and he continued to run forwards.


Another massive saber qi, giving off immense power, slashed towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu once again dodged to the side. Right now, he could only run, or else he would be dead without a doubt. His strength was only at Stage 2, so he could not defeat a Stage 4 Corpse General. If he knew that the Corpse General had intelligence, he would not have acted so casually and would have prepared more.


Zhao Fu was sent flying, but he had avoided most of the saber qi and was only hit with a small portion. However, the power behind that attack was quite immense, and a wound appeared on Zhao Fu's body as blood continuously flowed out. The Corpse Soul Armor was quite useful, as he would have been heavily wounded without it.

Zhao Fu gritted his teeth, got up from the ground, and rushed into the thicket of trees that was right ahead.

The Corpse General became quite furious when he saw that Zhao Fu was still alive. It turned into a black blur as it charged into the thicket of trees after Zhao Fu.

Suddenly, the Corpse Horse stepped on air, and it gave a panicked whinny. The Corpse General looked at the cliff below and also felt quite startled. However, it acted immediately, pressing its hands against the Corpse Horse's body and pushing himself backward.

Hah!!" Zhao Fu loudly roared and sent all of his strength into the Corpse Soul Sword, causing a brilliant blood-red sword light to slash out, seeming to cause the air to explode.

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