Chapter 812-816

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Chapter 812: Human Ghost

As the system announcements sounded out, Zhao Fu felt a rainbow-colored light enter his body, making his body feel incredibly comfortable. It felt as if he was floating. At the same time, Zhao Fu felt his body start to give off a faint flower's fragrance.

After kissing Zhao Fu's forehead, the Flower Fairy lightly let go of him and slightly smiled before flying into the sky.

Zhao Fu watched as the Flower Fairy disappeared. Feeling that young woman's kiss, Zhao Fu felt a bit complicated; surely she wasn't just a creature created by the event.

The Flower Fairy's body started to become blurry and was about to become motes of light and disperse. However, at that moment, a black caterpillar crawled out of Zhao Fu's clothes and looked at the Flower Fairy in curiosity with its big black eyes.

Following this, it lifted its head and spat out a few thin threads that quickly flew towards the Flower Fairy. They wrapped around her, despite looking like they could not even bind up a worm.

However, the unimaginable happened - the Flower Fairy's body, which had started to become blurry, once again became clear and was dragged in front of Zhao Fu.

Seeing this, Zhao Fu felt quite shocked; he had never thought that such a thing would happen.

The black caterpillar happily leaped towards the young woman, and the young woman happily smiled as she caught it.

The little caterpillar was very happy in the young woman's hands, continuously rolling about energetically. It seemed to be much closer to her than Zhao Fu, who was its owner.

Zhao Fu watched this scene in surprise and waited for a while. However, even after a while, he found that the Flower Fairy still hadn't disappeared as if it was staying here for a while.

"System announcement! You have used illegal means to force the Flower Fairy to remain in the human world. The Flower Fairy's stats have been greatly reduced, and all of her skills have disappeared. Note: Only the Level 8 Flower Fairy's Blessing can cause the Flower Fairy to remain in the world."

"Hahaha..." Zhao Fu could not help but loudly laugh; he did not think that something like this would happen - he had obtained the prize for the Level 8 Flower Fairy's Blessing. After all, the Level 8 Flower Fairy's Blessing required ten Mythic Flower Tears and was the final blessing.

Even though the Flower Fairy did not have any power and had reduced stats, that did not mean they would not recover. It was likely that she would be able to recover her power and stats.

However, this would take some time, but Zhao Fu felt that it would be worth the wait. After all, the Flower Fairy herself was a surprise, and Zhao Fu still did not know just what she was. However, as the ultimate reward from the Ten Thousand Flower Festival, she definitely would not be weak.

"Can you tell me about yourself?" Zhao Fu asked as he looked at the happily smiling Flower Fairy, wanting to know more about her.

However, the young woman looked up at Zhao Fu with her pure eyes, seeming not to understand what Zhao Fu was saying.

Seeing this, Zhao Fu felt quite confused and asked a few more questions but was unable to get anything out of the Flower Fairy, she seemed to have no memories at all, like a newly-born. Of course, she was unable to speak either.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Fu called over Asani and had her take care of the Flower Fairy. Their personalities were quite similar and they were similar in age, so Zhao Fu hoped they would be able to get along. The little caterpillar seemed to want to stick with the Flower Fairy, so it went with them.

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