Chapter 902-906

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Chapter 902: Demon Sovereign King

However, what Zhao Fu did not expect was that there was yet another door. Even though this door was tightly shut, there was a terrifying aura leaking out of it. It could cause a person's body to instantly stiffen, and it was far more powerful than Spider Empress Elise's.

Zhao Fu could not help but become even more careful. He walked over to the large door and vigorously pushed it open, revealing another hall. The hall was 1,000 meters wide, but there was nothing inside it except a 100 meter long stone coffin.

The terrifying aura was coming from this stone coffin, and just as Zhao Fu was about to approach, the golden dragon warned him, saying, "Zhao Fu, be careful!"

Hearing this, Zhao Fu nodded and released his Emperor's Domain before walking over to the stone coffin. He testingly tried to push the top of the stone coffin and found that nothing happened. He then pushed off the top completely, revealing a 100 metre long corpse of a demon.

This corpse had an incredibly powerful-looking body, sharp claws, and violet scales. It also had a pair of violet wings, and unlike ordinary demons, it had the head of a very handsome-looking man that had a trace of coldness and ruthlessness.

The aura that the demon gave off was extremely intense, and it gave off a King's might. This corpse seemed to be the corpse of a Demon Sovereign King, and it was extremely terrifying.

Feeling this terrifying power, even the Sky Demon Sword slightly trembled in fear.

The Demon Sovereign King was a king of kings among demons, and it had immense Demon King Power. This Demon Sovereign King's King's Power was extremely pure, and it most likely had a true Royal Kingdom as opposed to just a Barony Kingdom.

After all, a Barony Kingdom gave Barony King's Power, which was a lower grade of King's Power. The King's Power that a Royal Kingdom gave was true King's Power.

This Demon Sovereign King had been dead for a long time, yet it still gave off such a powerful aura. A corpse like this was quite a good treasure, and it had many uses.

Zhao Fu wondered what he should use the corpse for when the golden dragon said, "You don't need to make things so complicated. The Demon Sovereign King's corpse has already created a second spirit, which is currently slumbering, and it requires a large amount of power to awaken.

"Zhao Fu, you can use your blood to set a restriction in his body. Your blood has a Sovereign Bloodline, so it naturally suppresses Kings. He won't be able to break free from your restriction unless he also becomes an Emperor. You can then use your power to awaken him and fully control him."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu smiled; subduing such a powerful Demon Sovereign King meant that he would have another powerful helper.

Zhao Fu used the golden dragon's method to set down a restriction within the Demon Sovereign King's body. In order to do this, Zhao Fu used his essence blood, forming a blood-red rune that he sent into the Demon Sovereign King's body.

Its second spirit was something that it had only birthed after a long time, and this was incredibly rare. The second spirit did not have the first spirit's memories, and it was a blank slate.

Now that Zhao Fu had set down the restriction, it was time to awaken it. This required an immense amount of power, so Zhao Fu using his Emperor's power was quite beneficial.

Zhao Fu discourteously stood on the Demon Sovereign King's massive head and took out the Great Qin Seal, releasing all of its power. A black flame erupted out, unleashing wild wind that rippled in all directions.

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