Chapter 20

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Jaella's POV

I take his rough hand in mine and lead the way to an empty room. I know that there are no cameras in here but I just can't let him be near all of those people. The room is relatively small, with a black leather chair placed in the centre.

Clear your head. He still doesn't know that it's you.

"What's going on Jaella?" I hear Derek's concerned voice in my ear.

"Don't worry," I whisper quietly. "I can keep him distracted. Get Garcia to look up the name Lucas from the Church's employment list."

I swiftly turn around and lock the door behind me.

"Why don't you take a seat?" I offer to Lucas.

He obliges and sits in the chair, never once taking his eyes off of me. I try not to shudder, thinking of all of the things that this man has done. I step closer to him, ready to create a distraction until I notice that the knife is no longer in his jeans.

My eyes widen and he quickly lunges forward, aiming for my throat. I dodge under his arm and elbow him in the nose. As he is momentarily distracted I try to pry the sharp knife out of his hands, but this only results in us wrestling for it. I kick him in the leg with one of my heels and he lets out a grunt of pain. The knife slips out of our hands and I go to dive for it but he is just seconds faster. He points the sharp weapon at me and I back up and manage to get the chair in between him and me. There is crimson blood dripping from his nose from where I hit him.

"You don't have to do this," I say slowly.

"Yes I do," he shouts back. "I must rid the world of it's sinners."

Lucas looks at me with wild eyes, reminding me of a rabid dog. I know that there isn't much hope in talking him out of this, but I can try.

"You killed people, they were Christians just like you."

"They were not like me."

"Why stop killing within your church? Why move on? Is it because Eva White, Evan Lewis and Olivia Burns were the only people who you heard confess?" He narrows his eyes at me, blue piercing my own. That is all of the confirmation that I need. "But you liked killing them, didn't you?"

"I can cure the world. Only pure ones will be left."

"You murdered them, Lucas. And now because you liked the feeling of taking someone's life, you want to kill more people," I raise my voice, trying to get the message across.

His head snaps up.

"How do you know my name? Take off that mask!"

I slowly remove the mask and look up to meet his eyes.

"You. Jaella wasn't it? I'm guessing your team is listening in right now, aren't they?"

I hear Derek's voice in my ear. "We're coming in."

Lucas picks up the chair in between us and throws it so that it crashes against the wall. The sudden movement startles me and the next thing I know is his knife pressed into my neck. He stands right behind me, pressing into my back. The door slams open and I see the BAU ready to step inside.

"Don't come any closer," warns Lucas.

"Drop your weapon," orders Hotch.

I look to see the whole team ready to fire. My eyes lock with Spencer's and he mouths 'it's okay'.

"You know, I did some digging on Agent Fox over here after meeting her." He now leans in, so that he is right beside my ear. "Do they know about what you did?" I freeze.

"Let her go or I'll put this bullet through your skull," declares Spencer.

"Ohh so they don't know." Lucas turns his body so that we are now facing the group. "Were you aware that your little friend here worked for the Black Diamonds?"

The team before me don't put down their guns, but I see them all giving me brief looks of disbelief. Maybe even a hint of betrayal.

The Black Diamonds were a notoriously dangerous group, who terrorised America with their torturous methods and countless murders. They were active until around six years ago, when the leaders of the gang were arrested, due to an anonymous caller giving their whereabouts to the FBI. And yes, I was a member.

"How many FBI agents would you say you've killed?" Lucas taunts.

"Shut up," I manage to get out through gritted teeth. The knife presses deeper into my neck and I feel a cut form under the added pressure.

"That's right. I bet you even killed some of these guys' friends." He motions to the team standing before us, with their guns still raised.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek, another accompanies it soon after. They loud sound of a gun firing knocks me out of my trance. The knife drops from my neck and I am able to breathe clearly again, but I don't. My breaths become heavy and laboured. People are speaking all around me but I hear them as if I'm underwater. My vision becomes blurred and the last thing that I remember before blacking out, is being held in the arms of a familiar stranger.

It's going down bruh. Will we find out more about her past with the Black Diamonds? Will the team act differently towards her?? Freaking intense fam.

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