Chapter 26

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Spencer's POV

Morgan, Rossi and Emily were sent with SWAT teams to all three locations. It's almost ten o'clock and I find myself fidgeting and trying to find something to distract me. Myself, Hotch and JJ wait with Garcia in her office. We figure that they'll contact us digitally instead of actually wanting to meet up.

"The others should nearly be at the abandoned clubs. Hopefully they'll be able to intercept whatever will happen," says JJ unsurely.

I simply nod.


A link pops up on Garcia's main computer. After an intake of breath from all of us she clicks on it. The screen goes black.

"Garcia.." Hotch comments wearily.

One by one, a video pops up on every screen in the room. My heart stops.

There, in a dark room, is Jaella. I have to look away at first. She has cuts and bruises littering her skin. Dried blood coats the material of her clothes, which there isn't much of anyways. Her body is slumped against the back wall. At first she reminds me of a corpse, until I notice that her thumb is quickly tapping her four fingers on her right hand.

"Angel." A voice warns from behind the camera. "Your friends are watching you right now. Be sure to be on your best behaviour."

Her eyes widen and she looks a straight at the camera.

"Don't worry, you can talk to them," says the same patronising voice.

"I'm sorry," she manages to choke out.

I clench my fists until my knuckles turn white. "Why is he doing this to us?" I yell to nobody in particular. My body consumed with rage.

"He wants us to develop another connection with her, so that he can damage us more if she-" Hotch cuts himself off. "If anything were to happen to her.

"Can you not see her?" I shout at him. "They've already put her through hell."

Hotch's phone rings. He puts it on speaker. It's Morgan.

"All three units are ready to storm the buildings."

"You have my approval. Go," commands Hotch.

On the screen a man whose back is facing the camera, begins to walk towards Jaella.


He yanks her up and pushes her against the wall. She tries to fight back but I can tell that she is too weak, and can barely even stand on her own.

"Oh how I've missed this." I can practically hear the perverted smile that goes along with that sentence. His eyes wander over her body. He begins to kiss her neck. She clamps her eyes shut and I can't do anything.

"Please. Please stop," she begs.

There has never been a time when I have felt more powerless. There was so much that I wanted to do with her, so much that I wanted to tell her, so much that I wanted to know about her. Her favourite colour, movie, food. I wished to know her aspirations, dreams, what she thought about others, what she thought about me.

Her last memory of me was when I walked away from her.

"Hotch, where are those bloody SWAT teams?" I say under my breath, still loud enough for the room to hear.

He looks at his phone.

"They've searched every inch of the buildings. There's no sign of anyone."

My eyes return to the screen. I wish that I hadn't looked.

Jaella's POV

My heart breaks. Not just because this disgusting man is running his hands all over me, but because I know that he is watching. I don't want him to see my like this. Back pushed against a wall, being used by this sorry excuse for a man.

Finally, after trying to be strong for so long, I let the tears fall. They silently run down my cheeks. I accept that this will be my life now, however long my life lasts. Whether they decide to kill me tonight, or keep me as their play thing forever. All that I can do is think of happier times

Actually getting to know my dad whilst he was in the rehabilitation centre. Laughing with Alex so much that we couldn't even take in a breath. Graduating from the training program. Locking up criminals. Working with multiple units. The BAU. Spencer.

I try to look around the room to find more things to distract me. I spot the metal door ajar.

I wouldn't be able to escape. I don't even know how many of them there are.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion as I spot a tag hanging from the door handle. I try to turn my head and read what it says.


I will get out of here.

Spencer's POV

I watch in horror as Kurt Slayne hovers over a now crying Jaella. I drop my head into my hands, but it snaps up when I hear her voice.

"You wanted to do this again didn't you Kurt." He merely grunts, too involved in his own actions.

Her voice is too controlled, almost calculated.

"Half my life is an act of revision."

She looks straight at the camera now.

"You've been planning this for a while now haven't you? You've got to get obsessed to stay obsessed."

"What's she doing?" Questions JJ from behind my shoulder.

Garcia answers. "Maybe trying to send us a message of some sort."

I feel all eyes turn on me. I rack my brain for every ounce of information possibly needed until something clicks.

"'Half my life is an act of revision' and 'you've got to get obsessed to stay obsessed' are both quotes from the novelist John Irving. We talked about him once when discussing our favourite books. Garcia, look up a collection of his works," I demand.

Her fingers quickly choose keys and soon a site opens up. My eyes scan over the given titles, until one in particular catches my eye. 'The Hotel New Hampshire'.

"Jaella hates hotels," I say breathlessly. More to myself than anyone else. "Garcia, are there any abandoned hotels in that area?"

More clicking of keys.

"Yes," she exclaims. "One."


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