Chapter 38

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Jaella's POV

I thought I was angry, but Alex was ballistic.

"He called you WHAT?!"

Instead of travelling to my own apartment to wallow by myself, I went to Alex's where I knew I would be taken care of. Now, I'm lying across her armchair with a tub of cookie dough ice-cream in my hands. Alex quickly grabbed it from her freezer the second after she opened the door to see me with tears streaming down my face.

I run my fingers through my hair nervously. "He called me a slut and a whore," I say in a small voice, afraid of her going full 'Hulk Smash' mode.

She hops up from her seat across from me and sprints into the kitchen area, returning seconds later with a pair of scissors in hand.

"That's it," she announces. "I'm gonna chop his dick off." She makes a quick snip snip sound with the tool.

I try to fight the small smile coming onto my features, but fail miserably.

"There's that beautiful smile," she says in a soft voice. Alex makes her way over to the armchair and engulfs me in a bear-like hug, after placing the scissors down of course. When we pull away from each other she wipes away the tears that have fallen once more.

"But I know that what he said was just in the heat of the moment," I reason. "He would never say those things, it's just that he thought I cheated on him."

"He has absolutely no right to disrespect my girl, no matter the circumstances."

"I know it's just," I sigh deeply. "He was unlike any guy that I'd ever met. That's what I liked about him, and now after what he said, I don't know what to do."

Alex rubs my back soothingly. "It's okay. You don't have to make any decisions yet."

I truly feel broken. My chest aches, as does my throat, which is raw from the crying. I would do anything to go back in time, before any of this happened, back to one of Spencer and I's dates.


"Spencer, I swear to god if you don't get your cute butt over here in five seconds-."

"Okay okay," he says with a smile, walking out of his apartment. "By the way I would prefer if you called my butt something other than cute."

I double over with laughter, barely able to breathe.

"Oh god I sense a joke coming," I hear him mutter.

"Do you want me to call it bad-ass?" I manage to get out between cackles. I can see him trying to suppress his laughter, probably more aimed at me than my joke. "Hey, it's definitely not as bad as your existentialist lightbulb joke," I retort. "That one is pure awful."

"Shut up," he says, but I can hear the smile through his voice. "M'lady." He reaches out his upturned hand and I gladly accept.

"Oh why thank you good sir," I reply in a posh accent. "Would doth wish to be aware of the location of whence we are headed?"

"That did not make sense, but yes I would."

"Well thou shall have to stead fast because it is a hidden secret of the whereabouts in which we are journeying to."

"I won't hesitate to turn back around Jaella," he says in a warning tone.

"Nah you wouldn't, you lo- like me too much," I proclaim.

"That I do."

We walk down streets hand in hand, discussing whatever comes to mind. It's a carefree feeling I get around Spencer that I adore. He makes me feel as if nothing bad could ever happen, and if it did, he would be there to shield my eyes. I pull us both to a halt outside of a brightly coloured building.

"Laser tag, really?" He asks with a chuckle.

"Hey, don't diss laser tag," I scold whilst hitting him lightly on the arm.

"Fine." He playfully rolls his eyes. "Come on then."

With two competitive FBI agents, who can both use a gun extremely well, let's just say that the match is intense right off the bat. I quickly duck behind a large wall, shielding myself from Spencer's shot. The arena is dimly lit, apart from the glow in the dark vests that people are required to wear. I silently peek my head out from around the side of the wall, cursing myself at not keeping track of his position. I feel my vest vibrate, signifying that I've been shot. I quickly whip around to see Spencer a meter or so behind me, wearing a triumphant smirk.

"No fair," I pout whilst walking over to him, with a plan in mind.

"Quite fair actually," he replies.

I close the space between us by taking ahold of the front of his vest and pulling him towards me, crashing our lips together. He instinctively places his hands on my hips to hold our bodies even closer. This action however, causes him to drop his gun which I stealthily kick a couple of meters away. He pushes me up against the wall that I was hiding behind only moments before, never once breaking the kiss. I run my fingers through his hair and pull gently, earning a low groan to escape his lips.

Suddenly, I push away and shoot him three times in he chest, giving Spencer practically no time to react.

"Now that wasn't fair," he says with a frown.

"Quite fair actually," I reply, repeating his previous words.

"Can we get out of here now?" He asks whilst looking around.

"Are you being a sore loser Spencer?" I ask in a baby voice.

He scoffs playfully. "No." He takes a step towards me and leans down to whisper in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "I just think that we can continue what we were just doing, back at my apartment."

"Yes Doctor," I reply.


"Jaella are you listening?" Asks Alex, waving a hand in front of my face.

I blink a couple of times to break myself out of my trance. "Sorry, just remembering." I look at Alex with tears welling up again in my eyes. "I don't want for us to be apart again. I miss him already."

"Hey don't worry about it," she comforts, taking my hand in hers. "You and Spencer and both smart people, you'll work out what to do. And as much as I dislike him for calling you those names, I know that no other guy has ever made you as happy as you are when you're with him." She takes out her own spoon and begins to eat some ice-cream herself. "Plus, I can't have you crying everywhere. You're so hormonal, as if it's your time of the month."

My eyes widen. "Alex what date is it?" I ask hurriedly.

"The twenty-second. Why?"

I almost choke on my ice-cream. "I'm late," I whisper.

"What do you mean?" She asks with furrowed brows.

I look up at her with a worried expression. With a shaky voice I reply. "My period, it's late."

Just want to thank everyone who's been voting, commenting, all that jazz. Hope you're having a fabulous day/night wherever you are in the world.

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