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Tati sat on her bed watching and learning how to prepare the best strawberry mousse for her family on YouTube. She couldn't believe that she had just finished high school and was going to graduate in a few days. Tati wasn't a typical young lady and most people made fun of her. Because of her sharp mind, she had been forced to skip classes and that is why some of the senior students where mean to her because they thought she was the teacher's pet. Therefore she got bullied for her smarts and her vertigo. A skin condition she had started developing in her early teens.

She didn't care however, she just wanted to finish and go to college. She had written essays and sent admissions to the best universities around the world. She hoped they wouldn't look at her age and dismiss her.

She was going to miss her friends Cyril and Dante. Cyril was an ambassador's son while Dante was on scholarship to there school. She had always been a loner because people made fun of her height, glasses, her skin which made her have various patches on her body and even hair because she always preferred the pixie haircut. She didn't bother at first until someone stuffed a dead rat in her locker which had made Dante come to her defense.

Dante was in the basketball team. He had received a scholarship from the mayor's foundation because he had actually seen him play basketball in his neighbourhood team. The mayor had liked his performance and gotten him a scholarship. At first the students were mean to him too because he wasn't as rich but Dante had a good sense of humour which made the girls to like him and the team to slowly accept him as one of their own.

They were friends for a while before Cyril joined the school. Cyril and his twin brother Justin were opposites. A typical story of Cain and Abel. In which case Cyril was Abel while Justin was Cain. Cyril was very bright with the highest IQ in the school. However, he was awkward and shy. While Justin was average, handsome and a good tennis player. They had both transferred from Canada because their dad was an ambassador.

Justin made fun of his brother with other students making his life difficult. Tati smiled fondly remembering how he met Cyril. He was always silent and never ate in the school dining with the rest of the students. So one day she followed him to the music room where he started playing the piano. He was so good that Tati started singing to the tune. Cyril stopped playing and looked at her surprised that someone was actually there, listening to him.

" What the hell are you doing here?he had asked her startled.

" I always see you take your food and leave. I just wanted to see where you go. I know that your brother is mean to you and you haven't made friends yet. By the way, I am Tatiana but you can call me Tati if it's ok by you," she introduced herself.

" This is my safe haven. My brother and his friends are jerks and people make fun of my genius. It's like they want me to be stupid and frankly speaking, am not a people person. You seem too young to be in high school.

"I was kind of hoping you didn't get to notice but I guess even my height can't hide the fact that I am quite young, she chuckled nervously. I have skipped a few classes because the teachers suggested to my parents that I was losing time. So here I am. I get bullied because of that and my skin too," she said while sitting besides him on the bench. Cyril realised she just sat without asking if she could. She started playing the piano while singing and he just stared at her in awe. She had the most beautiful voice he had ever heard.

He was so entranced, he didn't notice someone else enter the music room. Ones she finished they heard clapping and turned. Cyril knew Dante from the classes they shared but they never spoke to each other. " Wow, T that was great my friend. Your vocals can carry a tune. You my darling are great," he said walking towards them.

MY RUSSIAN MOBSTER (Tatiana's story)Where stories live. Discover now