36-Finding Asher and Eva

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"So let's team up together and today is the first day of our work and let's do it," Teacher John said.

"But I will be busy so you guys team up each other and I will help you later when I am done with my works," he added.

"Today we have to make a checklist about how many students are participating but we need another checklist for teaming up," Rose said.
"I think I told someone to make the checklist" Rose said thinking who she have told to.
"I already made a list just like you said, Sorry I forget to tell earlier," said Stella.

"Oh, that's fine," Rose said.
"So here is my plan," said Stella.

"Each grade has four classes and we have five grades to collect the list from, so according to my plan we will split as five and I will give you each of you the grade, "Stella said

"Luna is going to grade eight and collect all the activities they are doing to do. So you have to collect from 8A,8B,8C,8D. Luke is going to grade nine and all the four classes of that grade. Bethany the same but grade ten and Rose you can go to grade eleven and I will go to grade twelve. Don't forget to miss any students and any classes," Stella added.

"So how are we gonna make sure if every student wants to participate in the list? Also how will we know if we have asked all the students?," Luna asked Stella.

"That's easy because I have everyone's name from each grade. Teacher John has given me this and here you go," Stella answered giving a paper which as every names of each grade.

"And don't forget to go to four classes, plus we will meet up here before lunchtime and if any students are absent we will collect from tomorrow, "Rose answered.

"So let's go, "Luna said and they went to collect the list.

They all collect from students but Luke couldn't find Asher so he thought of asking the team after everyone gathered around.

Meanwhile, Luna couldn't find Eva she started searching for Eva. She then thought of asking the team. After collecting almost everyone's not including students who are absent.

They gather and Luna asked where Eva was since she saw her in the first class and Luke said if they saw Asher has well.

"Oh both of them! Where in the hell are they both!!" Rose angrily said.

"Probably somewhere smoking or drinking, "Stella answered annoyingly.
"What are we waiting for let's find those idiots," Luna said.

After searching for them they finally found them in the music room.
"So, you two were here the whole time, skipping class?!, Stella asked.

"Mind your own business Stella Leah," Asher said.

"Ahem, Ahem, I'm Stella Zadie," she replied.
"Are you participating in the upcoming event?" Bethany asked.

"Oh poor things you are the volunteers, You probably should be the janitor here, "Eva teased.

"What if we are and janitor and janitor are also a human being like you two, "Luna answered harshly.

"Whatever sweet, "Eva replied rolling her eyes.
"Write my name I'm in, "Asher said.
"For which kind of activity?"Stella asked.

"Probably not singing," Luna said.
"Well guess what it's not singing its presentation," Eva replied.

"He is the one that's supposed to answer that question," Luke said.
Eva rolled her eyes.
"Write down presentation Luke," Rose said.
"I did," he answered.

"Are you in or out," Stella asked Eva.
"Is there cheerleading," Eva asked.
"Sorry but no," Stella answered.

"Bye, let's go from this negative environment," Luna said opening the door.

They all went back to the program hall and checked all the activities and organized them.

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