72-Some memories hurts

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"I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait!" Bethany said to Luke while he was driving the car.
"We are almost there"Luke replied.
"Hope we are not late" Bethany added.

"Let's get in," Luke said while parking his car.
"Let's go! Let's go!" Bethany said opening the door and rushing inside. 
"Hey Bethany" Rose replied.
"Hi, Did you saw them?" Bethany asked.
"Not yet" Rose replied.
"Let's go" Bethany added.

"Did Stella and Anna reached?" Luke asked.
"They message me that they have reached" Rose replied.
"Let's meet them," Bethany said.
"I think they are upstairs" Rose replied.
They went upstairs and looked around.

"Eva!" Bethany said running to Eva hugging her.
"Oh Bethany" Eva said hugging back.
"This must be Dave," Bethany said pitching his cheek.
"Asher!" Bethany said smiling.
"This girl is way more excited than us" Stella replied.
"I know right" Luna replied.
"Hey Bethany, Nice to meet you," Asher said.

"How are you guys?" Bethany asked.
"We are doing fine" Eva replied.
"Now you look like a nice girl and why Asher is so shy?" Bethany said to Eva.

The demonic facepalm. Anna pulled Bethany from the scene.
"Asher is shy because it's been a long time since he met Luna" Sebastian teasing  Asher.
"I am not shy I am just changed" Asher replied smiling.
"But are you sure?" Sebastian asked.

Luna pulled him to the office.
"What is wrong with you?" Luna asked.
"Nothing" Sebastian replied.
"Why are you a jealously counselor?" Luna asked.
"Don't call me a counselor" He answered.
"But you are one" Luna replied.
"Ugh, I am jealous be-ca- I am not jealous" Sebastian replied.

"Not jealous?" She asked.
"I am just remembering some promises which are just a lie now" Sebastian replied.
"Are you serious right now? Beside those promises were years back, twenty years to be exact" Luna replied.

"It still hurts. I can't counsel myself and no counseling is going to work" He replied crying.
"Come on Seb you got this. You are strong!"Luna said slightly punching on the shoulder.

He took a deep breath and said that he will try.
Luke came in and asked, " Tell me it is Eva right?"
"Yeah but I am good now" He replied.
"They are waiting for you guys" Luke replied.
"Coming" Luna added.

They walked to Eva and Asher. Sebastian washed his face and wiped it away.
"Hello, You guys leaving?" Luna asked.
"Yeah, Hope to see you soon" Asher replied.

"Bye guys" Eva replied.
"It was really nice to meet you guys" Anna replied.
"Yeah and it was unexpected" Stella added.
"Hey Sebastian, Didn't got much time to talk to you" Asher replied.
"Oh yeah sorry, I was busy" He answered.

"Hey Sebastian, Sorry for being the worst friend possible, Sorry for lying to your face, Sorry for everything" Asher replied.

"That is totally fine plus that was in the past and I almost forget everything" He answered.
Luna raised an eyebrow and looked at him weirdly.
"Yeah I didn't but sometimes it's better to lie" Sebastian whispered to Luna.

"Yeah but try to be honest. You could have just said Oh it is fine no need for totally forget" Luna added.
Then Eva and Asher left.

"That was something" Rose replied.
"I mean it was epic and unexpected" Bethany replied.
"I know right" Anna replied.
"When you called I was like Eva and Asher!?" Anna added.
"Same" Luke answered.
"I mean who would expect them walking through the door" Stella replied.

"Hey Sebastian, Can you come here?" Luna said calling him to a corner.

"Is everything okay?" Sebastian said looking at Luna's disappointed face.
"Why did Asher left me and not Eva? Am I not good enough?" Luna asked.
"You are more than enough Luna what are you talking about?" He asked.
"Nothing but why me?" She asked.

"Maybe he just found the right person" He replied.
"You mean I am not the right person," She asked.
"I mean yeah but not for everyone just for him. There are a lot of people out there Luna" He answered.

"I am kinda sad but I ask you this because I want to question and answer this to yourself," Luna said smiling.
"Hey!" Sebastian replied. 
"I mean that was an amazing way I could think of" She replied.
"Wow thanks that was really sweet" He answered.
"No problem," Luna said hugging him.

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