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Harry POV:

"Potter wake up now."

I opened my eyes slowly. Where was I? And most importantly, why was I lying on Draco's lap?

"Why was my head on your lap?" I quickly asked.

"I don't know Potter, why don't you ask yourself? Oh Malfoy, my poor head is so uncomfortable on this hard ground, please save me." He imitated my voice, failing horribly.

I rolled my eyes, getting up to stretch.

" Anyways, I woke you up so you can go back to your dorm before anybody realises you're missing." He continued.

"How about you?" I asked, would no one from his house realise he was gone?

"They already know."

"Wait... they know about us?"

He raised an eyebrow, probably at me saying 'us'.

"I mean not us, not that we aren't like... um... friends I guess but it's a bit awkward to say isn't it?" I tried to explain.

What he did next shocked me.

He laughed.

Draco Malfoy laughed, and it was a genuine laugh. I guessed he was laughing at me, I didn't really think I had said anything funny.

"What's so funny Malfoy?"

Instead of answering, he just kept laughing at me, and it was getting frustrating.

"You, stupid. I meant they know that I normally sneak out and go on walks at night. Not about whatever you call this mess of a friendship." I wasn't used to happy Draco, and to be frankly honest, it was kind of scaring me.

"Someone's happy." I mocked, looking for my invisibility cloak. He stayed silent, his smile gone from his face.

"What's wrong?" I walked towards him.

"Have you talked to Weaslette yet?" He asked out of the blue. I hadn't, but I was actually planning on talking to her today.

"Hey don't call her that but no, not yet, I'll try today." I answered. He nodded.

"Well first of all, You can talk about your interests. Start with a friendly conversation, it'll work better. You can start conversations talking about Professors here, depends on what you want to talk about." He advised. I'd completely forgotten about the whole point of me meeting with Draco.

" thank you." I didn't think he would remember to help me.

"Surprised, Potter?" He smirked, biting his lip. My gaze shifted from his eyes to his lips, only for a second I thought, but when I made eye contact again, by the look in his eyes, he had definitely noticed.

"You wish." I smirked back, leaning closer towards him.

My lips brushed against him until he hungrily pushed his lips fully to mine. He gripped my head firmly, as if he didn't want me to escape. I worked my mouth against him, our tongues battling back and forth, as his tongue was clinging hard to mine. He gently sucked my tongue, emitting a moan from my mouth. He pulled away but leaned his forehead against mine, the only sound that could be heard was our heavy breaths.

"We should probably stop doing this." He chuckled, stepping away from me.

"Yeah, probably." I shrugged, not really wanting to deep what we were doing. I grabbed my invisibility cloak from behind me and turned back around to say goodbye to him...

But he had gone.

I looked around in confusion for any sign of why he left so quick, but no sign appeared. I let out a deep breath, as I wore my invisibility cloak, heading back to my dorm.

As soon as I got into my bed, I thought about my plan to talk to Ginny. I tried to concentrate on thinking about Ginny, but I couldn't stop thinking about my kiss with Draco. Maybe he did it out of pity, or so he could have something to hold against me since he had opened up to me in the night. Whatever the reason he did it, I wouldn't know unless I asked him, and with the way he left as quick as possible, I had a feeling it wouldn't be easy to find out.

I felt myself relaxing, as sleep finally overcame me.

*Time skip to breakfast*

"Where's Ron?" I questioned Hermione. I wasn't ready for a hangry Ron again.

"He said he was going to come later, do you not remember?" Being truthful, no, I didn't remember. I remember him saying something about later but I wasn't really paying attention.

"Oh yeah I forgot." I lied.

"At least we can talk about your plans with Ginny. Call her over right now."

"Right now?" I exclaimed.

"Yes, right now Harry, look here she comes."

Ginny walked in with Luna Lovegood. How did Hermione have such good timing?

I made eye contact with Ginny then waved her over. Luckily, Ginny understood and came over, saying goodbye to Luna, then sat down next to me.

"Uh I think Ron needed some help..." Hermione got up, taking some food with her and leaving the hall.

Wasn't Ron going to come late- Wow Hermione, well played.

"So, how's classes been going for you so far?" I initiated the conversation, I just hoped I'd be able to keep it going.

"Well you'll never believe what happened in transfiguration. Basically.." She started ranting.

I was listening intently when I felt someone staring at me, I looked across the hall to see who it was, when I realised it was none other than Draco Malfoy. I would've expected him to be at least a little bit happy that I was finally talking to Ginny but instead he was glaring at me.

Wait. Correction: he was glaring at Ginny.

I rolled my eyes at him; I guess he was back to his moody self again. I decided to ignore him and went back to listening to Ginny.

"...So I hope I do well." She finished speaking.

"I bet you will, you're really smart." I complimented her.

Her cheeks went rosy as she smiled at me.

"Thank you. I'm hoping I ca- Wait,why is Malfoy glaring at me?" She whispered the last part. I turned to see Draco still frowning. I turned back to face Ginny.

"It's nothing, he's probably just being annoying as usual." I looked back at him to see him pointing at the doors, signalling me to meet him outside of the hall, as he got up and headed out. I really didn't want to leave Ginny, but this might have been the only chance for an explanation of why he left so quickly and looked disappointed with himself.

"Um Ginny, I just remembered I needed to get my homework for the next class but maybe we can practise some Quidditch together on Saturday?" I half lied.

"Of course, I'd love that." She smiled. I smiled back at her, getting up and exiting the hall.

I just hoped the conversation between Draco and I wouldn't end up like our past two ones, especially with the tiny progress I was making with Ginny.

A/N: I NEVER KNOW HOW TO END THESE. Also, I don't really know what Ginny would talk about with Harry and I actually don't like Ginny lmao.

edited 14/08/20

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