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Harry POV:

My mind had solely been occupied on Draco. His grey, thunderstorm eyes hadn't left my mind once, the way his silky hair felt in my hands and how I would sacrifice nearly anything to have him close to me again.  I couldn't stop thinking about him, and I think Hermione was catching on.

Not about Draco, but that something was up with me.

"Harry are you alright?" She questioned.

"Yeah why?" I asked. 

She didn't know anything about last night, right?

"Your lips look a bit swollen." She pointed out.

"Hey why are you looking at his lips?" Ron butted in.

Thank Merlin for that.

While Hermione got distracted trying to reassure Ron she wasn't,  I took this opportunity to look over at the Slytherin table, to find Draco already looking at me. He saw me looking back at him and winked, making a faint blush come onto my face.

"Who are you looking at?" My train of thoughts were interrupted by Hermione... when had they finished arguing?

"Nobody... Just thought I saw something weird." I lied, going back to eating my food.

Hermione gave me a doubtful look but thankfully started another conversation, allowing me to zone out once again.

"So what do you think Harry?" Ron turned to me.

Crap. I wasn't listening to one thing they had just said. How do they have conversations so fast?

"Err.. yeah? Wait, can you repeat what you said?" 

Hermione raised an eyebrow at me but summarised the conversation for me.

"Oh yeah I agree." I answered.

They nodded, starting another conversation to which I didn't pay my full attention, but enough that if they asked me a question, I would be able to answer.

"What's that on your neck?" Hermione inquired.

My neck? What would be on my n-

Oh shit.

I had completely forgotten to put a Glamour charm on this morning. I had woken up late,no surprise there, so I was rushing to get ready, not even thinking about if there was any evidence on me that could expose last night.

"Another interrogation?"I joked, stalling to think of an excuse. As always, Ron laughed but stopped straight away when Hermione gave him a glare.

"I fell last night but I didn't realise it left a bruise." I fibbed.

"It doesn't look like a bruise." She leaned in to look at it closer.

"Alright I think that's enough." Ron interrupted, pushing her gently back to her seat.

Hermione shrugged and didn't bring it up again, but knowing Hermione, she was most likely going to investigate where my 'bruise' came from. I would have to deal with that later.

I peered over at the Slytherin table to see Draco with his hands formed into fists, his jaw clenched, glowering at me. Seeing me looking at him, he got up and stormed out the hall, attracting heads to turn and stare at him.

"Someone's grumpy. Maybe his father never heard about it." Ron snorted. 

I put on what I hoped to be a believable fake smile and laughed with Ron. I started tapping my feet to distract myself from my worrying thoughts about Draco.

"My bruise is kinda hurting. Err.. I'm gonna go to the bathroom to check it. You guys can go to next class, I'll meet you there." I stood up and left the hall, hearing faint goodbyes. 

I felt someone's gaze on me and turned around to see Pansy glaring directly at me. I gulped, turning back around and not looking back again.

As soon as l got to the bathrooms, I checked the stalls to see nobody in there, thank Merlin for that, and went straight to the mirrors. I pulled my shirt collar down to see many prominent 'bruises' splattered over my neck, some even going down to my chest.

"Shit. Why'd he have to make it so noticeable?" I grumbled to myself, about to do the glamour spell when I heard a voice making me jump.

"Why'd I have to make what so noticeable?" I could practically hear his smirk. I turned around to face Draco.

"You scared me." I dumbly stated.

He shrugged.

"Are you okay?" I made my way over to him.

"What was Granger doing?" He ignored my question.

How kind.

"She- Wait, you were still watching?" 

How long had he been staring? I hope he hadn't watched me eat. What if my eating was really ugly? Actually, how do I look eating?

"Stop thinking so hard. I just happened to look over at the time Granger was stuffing her face into your neck, instead of her food like Weasley does." He retorted.

"Uh huh.. okay. One, Hermione wasn't stuffing her face into my neck, she was just leaning over because she thought she saw a bruise on my neck. And number two about Ron... He just likes his food that's it, don't be rude." I defended, folding my arms and stepping away from him.

"Aww did I hurt your feelings?" He sarcastically smiled, stepping closer to me, nearly backing me against the wall.

"Shut up Malfoy. Why are you being so rude?" I snapped.

"Rude? I'm just having a civil conversation with you. Where's the rudeness?" His smile was creeping me out now.

"Umm Okay... I'm going to leave now." I pointed towards the door, trying to side shuffle out so I wouldn't make any contact with him.

He put one of his hands on my waist, pulling me back and placed the other hand on the wall, right next to my head.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered, our noses almost touching. Just one movement. That's all it took for our lips to connect.

Until the door started to open.

He immediately backed away, going to one of the sinks while I quickly took out my wand and performed the glamour spell on my neck.


It was Ron.

"Malfoy." He sneered, seeing Draco at the sink. Draco rolled his eyes in response, walking out of the bathroom, but not before bumping his shoulder purposefully into Ron's.

"Did he bother you? You look a bit like an apple." Ron commented.

"Just did typical Malfoy." I bluffed.

"Why did you come?" I asked.

"Oh I thought I needed the toilet so I was like 'oh yeah Harry's in the toilet' but then when I got closer, I realised 'wait I don't actually need the toilet' but I was so close so I just decided to come in and walk to class with you." He explained.

I couldn't help but smile at that.

"Alright, well let's go." I grinned, following him out.

A/N: enjoy lmao this story is probs nearly ending cuz i be making the plot up on the spot.

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