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Third Person POV:

"Potter this is the third time you've gotten this wrong, do you not know the difference between anticlockwise and clockwise?" Draco complained.

"Of course I do, I'm not stupid Malfoy." Harry retorted back.

This was their first tutoring session, and even though it seemed like they had been taking two steps forward with their 'friendship', this tutoring session was putting a strain on it, and now they were taking 10 steps backwards again.

"Okay then , if you know the difference, why did you put spin anticlockwise three times instead of clockwise five times?"

"I didn't d-" Harry reread his work, stopping mid sentence when he in fact realised, he had.

"Oh... I did. Accident, I suppose." Harry shrugged, giving Draco a sheepish grin.

"Right then. Write the instructions and method list again... this time doing it correctly." Draco ordered.

"Yes sir." Harry muttered, rolling his eyes at how bossy Draco was being, but did as he said.

Draco watched Harry silently; surveying the way he chewed his cherry looking lips while he pulled his brows together into a frown. All Draco wanted to do was grab Harry's face and ki-

"Stop staring at me." Harry didn't need to look up to feel the heated gaze Draco had on him. He had tried his best to ignore it, but he felt self conscious.

Draco swiftly looked down at the papers in front of him, heat running through his cheeks at the thoughts that had just corrupted his mind. He cleared his throat, adjusting the collar of his shirt.

"I'm done." Harry announced.

Draco checked over his work, looking for any mistakes, but there were none.

"I did it right, didn't I? I can tell by your face." Harry had a lazy grin on his face as he leaned back onto the chair.

"And how can you tell by my face Potter?" He inquired.

"You look disappointed."

"Oh. Well yes, you did do it right." He confirmed.

A goofy smile spread across Harry's face as he put his hand up, waiting for Draco to respond. Draco eyed the hand suspiciously, keeping his hands on the table.

"Come on Malfoy, I won't bite." Harry winked making Draco's insides go all fuzzy.

"Alright then." He mumbled, putting his hand up to meet with Harry's, resulting in an awkward looking, weak high five.


Harry POV:

"Why is Malfoy looking at you?" Hermione randomly asked, looking over at the Slytherin table. I glanced over, my eyes meeting Draco's before he quickly averted his gaze to his dinner.

"No idea." I bluntly answered.

"Maybe he's thinking of ways to hex you?" Ron suggested, but it sounded more like "Mwybe es thnkig ov weys to ex yu" because of the food in his mouth.

"At least finish the food in your mouth before talking Ron." Hermione cringed.

"And I don't think it was a glare." She continued, eyeing me, as if I was hiding something.

Which I definitely wasn't.

"Are you guys friends now? I haven't heard a lot of insults coming from him towards you which is very strange for Malfoy." She carried on.

"Is this an interrogation now?" I joked making Ron snort. Hermione frowned at both of us, but stayed silent, waiting for an answer.

"I don't know, maybe ask him."

Hermione thought for a second, before a determined look came on her face as she nodded.

"I will. Something's up with Malfoy."

"Hermione wait, I was joking. You're not actually going to ask him, are you?" I hesitated, my mouth abruptly going dry.

She stayed quiet, watching Draco as he stood up to leave the hall.

"I'll be back." Was the last thing she said before following after him.

"What's up with her?" Ron watched Hermione leave.

I shrugged my shoulders, putting my focus back on my food that I no longer had an appetite for.

Draco POV:

Stupid little Granger.

I had been peacefully watching the brown haired boy. Not even he had noticed at first, it just had to be Mrs Try hard who noticed, alerting Potter.


Perfect. Of course she had followed me. I turned around, changing my expression of anger to one of annoyance.

"Granger." I gritted my teeth, what could she possibly want now?

"What's your problem?" She folded her arms.

"My problem?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at her.

"Yes, you've been acting... off. Is it something to do with Harry?"

How would she know?

"No it's nothing to do with Potter. Why do you care?" I tried to play off my shock, but I knew she had already seen it. She stayed quiet, looking me up and down, before speaking again.

"Sure... Harry tells me you two are friends."

"He does? That's very nice to know." I sarcastically replied. What did she want me to do? Jump up in the air and celebrate?

She opened her mouth to speak again but I interrupted her.

"Oh look at the time, I must be going." I quickly spoke, heading towards the Slytherin dungeons, not giving her a chance to reply.

"This isn't over Malfoy." Was the last thing I heard as I sped up my walking.

Yes it was Granger...

At least for now.

A/N: enjoy,bit messy but yh 27/06. updating for any grammar freaks (joke) about the 'i've done' . dw it is now fixed 🙂

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