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Third Person POV:

Harry made his way up to the astronomy tower, not knowing if Draco would be there, but secretly hoping he would.

A small smile appeared on his face when he saw Draco, legs out in front of him, sitting on the ground, his head facing the other way to Harry.

"Hello." Harry awkwardly spoke, going to sit next to him. 

Draco turned his head to Harry, his stormy eyes glassy and his hair messy. For once, he had hoped Harry didn't show up.

"What's wrong?" Harry immediately asked, laying his hand lightly on Draco's shoulder.

"It's nothing. Just thinking." Draco half lied. Harry kept quiet, taking his hand off his shoulder and thinking of what to say next.

Draco could see the concentrated look on Harry's face, so decided to speak again, to move the conversation away from him.

"Granger told me that you said we were friends." Draco changed the subject, turning his head to face Harry's, a confused look on Harry's face.

"I never said that." 

Draco tried to ignore the disappointment that ran through him at that sentence, as he turned his head back forwards.

"Oh." He simply replied.

"But we are friends, aren't we?" The brown haired boy had a hopeful look in his eyes, waiting for Draco to say something.

Draco simply nodded.

A stillness settled between both of them before Harry spoke up again.

"I don't think I like Ginny anymore." Harry suddenly announced out of the blue.

Draco covered up the smile that threatened to appear on his face and instead settled for raising a brow at Harry.

"Wait, that doesn't sound nice. I meant that I just see her as a friend now."

"And why is that?" Draco couldn't stop himself from asking, he knew he was being nosy but he was intrigued.

"Well now I've gotten to know her more, I see her more as a good friend and I think she feels the same. Also, Ithinkilikesomebodyelse." Harry rushed the sentence at the end, regretting the words as soon as they left his mouth. 


"I said I think I like somebody else." He muttered, looking down at the ground.

"And who would that be?"  Who was the Chosen one crushing on now? Draco thought.

"I'd rather not say."

"Can I at least have a clue?" Draco wanted to know even more now. 

Why couldn't Harry tell him?

"Uhhh... No." Harry scratched the side of his head, still avoiding eye contact with the blonde haired boy. 

"And why is that?" This was the second time he had repeated this question.

"Why do you care Draco?" Harry snapped, this was getting annoying. He didn't want to say, so he wouldn't. End of.

Getting no reply, Harry looked up to see him with his mouth slightly open, a disbelieving look in his eyes.

"What?" He asked.

"You called me Draco. Not Malfoy."

"Oh. We're friends now I guess so it doesn't really matter." Harry explained.

"Yeah... Just a bit weird." Draco felt a tiny bit bad that he had put Harry in a bad mood, but he really wanted to know. 

Maybe he could ask again later; perhaps when Harry was sleepy.

Harry leaned slightly closer to Draco, their shoulders now touching, their hands millimetres apart. Harry couldn't resist tracing meaningless patterns on Draco's soft, smooth palm making Draco shiver slightly at his touch. It felt so good. But the feeling ended as quick as it began.

"Sorry... I don't know why I did that." Harry apologised, creating a distance between them again. A blush coated his cheeks as he fidgeted with his fingers.

Draco didn't know what to say- he had enjoyed it - so he just settled with a weak "It's okay". 

The tension in the tower now was so thick, even a sharp knife wouldn't be able to cut it. They both faced forwards, trying their best to ignore the painfully obvious sexual tension.

"You know what, I don't even care anymore." Draco finally spoke.


Harry was cut off when a pair of lips crushed into his. Draco's tongue slipped into Harry's mouth, gentle but demanding, making Harry feel like he was melting into a puddle. Harry gripped Draco's hair in response, pulling him closer,  emitting a moan from him. He pushed Harry backwards so they were both lying down, as Draco made his way to Harry's neck, sucking on the smooth skin. Harry moaned, his breaths becoming heavier as Draco sucked harder. 

That was gonna leave a mark.

But Harry didn't care about that, all he cared about was the way Draco's lips felt on his skin. This was the first time he had felt this way, and it was like fireworks were going off in every place Draco touched. He never wanted him to stop; he loved the way Draco's body pressed into his, the way he could smell the minty scent and the way their lips felt so perfect together.

"Shit Harry, what are we doing?" Draco breathed out, his pink lips now swollen.

"I don't know... but it feels great." Harry spoke before connecting their lips again in what wouldn't be the last kiss of the night.

A/N: LMAO this chapter took me so long to write, i didn't know what to write until halfway through and this kinda cringed me to write but enjoy lol. 30/06/20

13/07/20 Edit: ACCIDENTALLY SAID HERMIONE INSTEAD OF GRANGER LMAOO. just reading my story again n i'm embarrassed.

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