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Jimin runs into the bathroom, terrified by what's he's just witnessed. His hands hold his shocked cheeks, his face pale in unadulterated horror. "AAAAAAHHHHH!!! NO, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!"

"JIMIN? ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" Hoseok is there within a matter of seconds, next to Jimin's side in their shared bathroom. His friend stares him down in the mirror, worried eyebrows raised in alarm. Jimin has his head buried in his hands, covering his eyes. Hoseok turns Jimin by his shoulder, trying to get a better look at his friend who's just created a scary outburst before he has to leave for Jungkook's hotel. "What happened, Jimin!?"

Jimin lifts his hands from his face, revealing a ticked-off pout in the mirror's reflection. Very pointedly, he motions to his outfit, and it takes a while before Hoseok spots it. A small distance from the collar of Jimin's yellow crop top is what looks like a fresh spill of chocolate milk, a miniature cloud of brown staining the fabric.

"NOW I CAN'T WEAR THIS! HE WANTED ME TO WEAR YELLOW, BUT THIS SHIRT IS RUINED! WHAT DO I DO, HOSEOK??" In his rage, Jimin yanks the crop top off of his head, throwing it harshly into the bathtub. He runs out of the bathroom topless, racing down the hallway towards his bedroom. Hoseok watches him leave with an are you kidding me lip raise before exploding into laughter.

"Just change into a different color! I'm sure he doesn't care!" Hoseok calls from the hallway. Jimin can hear his friend approaching his bedroom, where he's rifling impatiently through the closet for something else to wear. "Oh my gosh, Thick Stuff, you're being way too overdramatic about this. Calm down, take some deep breaths! You're overheating right now!"

"You think!?" Jimin decides on a light purple crop top that Jungkook might be okay with since it complements his hair well. Will he like this one? Or will he be disappointed that I'm not wearing yellow? I want it to be perfect! Why do these things always have to happen to me! "I think I might sweat through this crop top on the drive there...I'm so nervous to see him."

"I can see that." Hoseok assists Jimin in making sure the crop top's tag is tucked in while he smoothens down a few stray pieces of hair. "But I'm sure he's just as nervous, Jimin. Don't freak yourself out now...make sure to take lots of deep breaths. I'm sure your appearance is the least of his worries. He's already seen a bunch of you."

"IknowIknow!It'sstupidwhyamIfreakingout?" Jimin hustles to the bathroom, slipping out from under Hoseok's fingers. "Isthislipcolorokay? Doyouthinkhe'llliketheeyeshadow?"

Hoseok blows air from his nose, reentering the bathroom with an amused smile on his lips. "Jimin. Calm. Down. Please. If you keep worrying about it, you'll make it worse! I don't want my Jiminie fainting on top of a paralyzed person-"

"Oh, that won't happen." Jimin suddenly gets a rise of confidence at the mention of fainting. He pouts his lips in the mirror, adding more of the lip gloss he knows Jungkook will like. "He's going to be the one fainting on me. Well, in his wheelchair! Oh, whatever, you know what I mean. I can't faint before he does."

Hoseok makes a face. "You two having a fainting contest or something? That sounds so romantic."

"It's not a contest if I know I'm going to beat him--I won't be the one to faint, you'll see. My nerves won't get the best of me this time."

"Are you sure they haven't already?" Hoseok scoots out of the way as Jimin reenters the bedroom, checking the time on his phone. It's almost time! "I think the nerves have already won their contest against you, Thick Stuff."

"Not even!" Jimin scoops up a bag of sweets that he'd put together earlier, filled with his entire stash of goodies. "I'm more composed than a composition notebook!"

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