There's Power in Pride

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~ Warning! This chapter includes sexual content. You have been forewarned!!! ~


"Aren't you going to eat your soup, Melonpie?"

Jimin stares at the bowl, then back at Jungkook. He knows the younger probably wants it but isn't saying so. Ever since Eunmi placed it in front of Jimin, he hasn't touched it. 

"I'm not that hungry. You can have it." Jimin pushes the bowl across the table. After doing so, his hands bunch up in the large black T-shirt and matching sweats that Jungkook is letting him borrow while his clothes are in the dryer. The shirt is soft and smells like sweet fabric softener, so he isn't complaining about the fact that it's not a crop top. 

Jungkook shakes his head. His lips press into a pout, taking a spoonful and holding it out. "At least have a few bites. I'll feed my pretty Melonboy...please? My mom says you look a little thin, you should eat more."

After a bit of nudging and prodding of the metal spoon at his lips, Jimin eventually gives in. He allows his boyfriend to feed him spoonfuls of the tasty liquid, and finds that he actually is hungry. Jungkook doesn't fail to make feeding him exciting, using 'here comes the airplane whhoooossshhh!' and even 'open wide for the Melontrain!' 

The soup is soon dwindling, with Jimin brightening by the mouthful. By the last bite he's giggly, pushing Jungkook's arm after a particularly loud 'PACKAGE DELIVERY FOR THICK STUFF' before the spoon enters his mouth again.

"You're crazy, Kook." Jimin lets Jungkook brush his hair back, internally grateful for the boy who's taking such good care of him. He scoots his chair closer to the wheelchair, reaching over and taking Jungkook's hand in his. "But I like crazy. Thank you for making me feel better."

Clearly proud of his efforts, Jungkook squeezes Jimin's hand and grins. "Anytime, Melonboy! I'm always here for you."

You better stay here. "And I'm Jimin."

Jungkook snorts, licking his lips at the reference to the night they both met. ('Yep, I'm here.'  'And I'm Jungkook!')  The younger carefully pushes the bowl to the middle of the counter and meets Jimin's gaze with all seriousness.

"But seriously, Jimin. If you want to talk about it, I'll listen. But I get if you don't wanna talk for the moment. If you want to just chill here, take your mind off of your troubles with a smokin' hot guy-"

"Woah there." Jimin blushes, smacking Jungkook on the chest. The younger catches his other hand, pulling them close. "Where can I meet the smoking hot guy? Is he hiding in your bedroom?"

A crinkle of the nose. "Man, you sure are great at ruining moods, Melonboy."

"And you're great at painting." Jimin moves their intertwined hands to rest behind his own neck, so that Jungkook's arms are fully extended. From an outsider's view, it might look like two seated individuals are positioning themselves to ballroom dance. 

"I am good at painting." Jungkook leans in. A sharp rumble of thunder tears through the house. Outside, the soft sprinkle of rain on the back patio offers quiet, soothing background noise. "But I'm better at something else."

"What's that?" Jimin finds himself lost in black licorice irises, studying the mole under Jungkook's lower lip. The younger truly is beautiful up close.

"Guess." Jungkook stares intently at Jimin's lips, their noses nearly brushing from how near they are. Up close, Jimin can see the robust heartbeat under Jungkook's neck. The pulse is strong, healthy. Vigorous and full of life.

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