Backing up! Ba-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ack-i-i-i-i-i-ng up!

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"We need noodles for Japchae, more banana Melona Bars, some sugar-" Jimin lowers his voice so that Hoseok doesn't hear him. "And ten milk chocolate dipped graham bars."

Jinyoung blinks at his friend, then at Hobi who's sifting in the cereal aisle. He stares down at the list in Jimin's hand, doubtful of the last object in the series. "Chocolate graham bars? Is Hoseok not supposed to know about this or something?" No shit Sherlock.

"Of course not. He doesn't like me getting too much of that...white powder stuff, if you know what I mean." Jimin lifts a conspiring eyebrow. The law intern isn't catching the memo.

"White powder? That sounds awfully unlawful."

Jimin groans, shoving the shopping list in his pocket. A disappointed hand sifts through his purple hair. "Ugh, never mind. I'll just have to sneak the bars myself since you're too lawful."

The duo make their way into different aisles with the shopping list fluttering in the AC of the shopping store. Jinyoung helps him pick out the stuff he needs, filling the green basket that swings between them. Since Jimin couldn't meet with Jinyoung in Radon or at his house, they decided on the grocery store. Hoseok suggested it, after Jimin whined about not having enough sugar in the bag left to spoon out. 'Let's just go shopping then, Thick Stuff. Jinyoung can come with and update us on his case.'

"Here are the Melona bars." Jinyoung places the box into the basket. "Also, I got the wafer things you wanted. They're hidden under the box."

Blinking down at the box of banana ice cream, Jimin spots the plastic edges of the chocolate bars he's been craving recently. "Oh, thank God! You do have a heart!"

Jinyoung scoffs, crossing the Melona bars off of the list. "Yes, I do. Anyway, I think this is everything. Should we regroup with Hoseok? I have news from my father to share today."

Ooooh...what does that mean? Is that a sign that the investigation into Gyuri is looking hopeful? "Yep. He's over by the produce now I think."

The two gays stroll to the greenest section in the store, their faces giving nothing of the sweets away. But before they can make it to the ball of sunshine that is currently comparing red and green apples, Jinyoung harshly snatches Jimin's wrist and yanks him back. Jimin yelps out, whipping around to face Jinyoung with a bitch! What's got your panties in a knot? in his mouth, but cuts himself short when he catches the intern's expression. 

"Shit. Shit!" Jinyoung pulls them into the nearest aisle, pushing them next to different pasta sauces. His eyes are wide--as if he's seen a double-trouble poodle from Perilation in the flesh. Jimin's back lightly hits the glass containers. He frowns.

"What? What did you see?" Jimin's heart rate pumps at a building rate, not liking Jinyoung's fogged eyes. The lawyer pauses, staring at the ground. While he ponders something, Jimin is tempted to peek out from the aisle, look for whatever made the other so worried. 

"Stop. Wait. Don't look out there." Jinyoung holds up a hand, as if reading Jimin's mind. "Shit...shit, you left your bubblegum phone at home, right?"

"Yes..." Jimin is starting to understand now...and he isn't liking it. "She isn't she? Fuck, Jinyoung. IS SHE?"

"Shh! Lower your voice. And no, she isn't here. One of her spies is here, in place of her. I almost didn't catch the guy, but he was obviously following Hoseok around the produce area. He had a mask on, and when Hobi wasn't watching, he was raising his eyes from the fruit and just staring at him. Fucking creepy." Jinyoung licks his lips, deep in thought. His eyes bounce around the canisters of pasta sauces like torpedoes. "Uh...hang Hoseok carrying his phone? Shit, Gyuri hacked into his phone to get his location. Whatever malware she got onto your phone by texting would she get into Hobi's phone?, that would take too many resources. That would require lots of understanding about hacking-"

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