Chapter 4

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It's here!!! It's finally time to show (Y/N) powers!! I'm excited!
Is what I want to say,
I'm embarrassed to show you all this!!! This could be poorly written!!

After rescuing Gopal from the Tree monster and defeated them with ease. Boboiboy reverted back to himself and watch as the two monsters collapse due to lightning's lightning blade, completely knocked out.

"Yay! We won! Awesome~" The elemental hero cheered and did his signature catchphrase.

"Hey! What do you mean 'Awesome'?" Fang said "Did you forgot that you toss Gopal just now!?"

You snapped out of daze and realize the same thing. 'Shoot! I was so focus on the battle,I forgot to see if Gopal is alright!?' You thought to yourself as you blushes in embarrassment. You brushed it off and gathered the two laundry bags and run towards where your Malaysian indian friend is.

"Oh!? Your right! Gopal!!" Boboiboy called out as he and fang followed behind you.

While running Boboiboy noticed something while he runs towards his friend as he looks behind you.

'Eh? How I'm not hearing any footsteps from (Y/N)? Why?' He thought as he continued to stare at your running form.

He notice how long his been staring,so he turned back in front of him with a tint of red in his cheek. Embarrassed that his been staring at you (Even though it only lasted for 10 whole seconds) and curious of how you never break a sweat from all of the things that has happened.

When you finally reached where your older friend is,you were surprise to see two unknown aliens in front of Gopal. A purple levitating robot,and a green squared alien and he seems to be holding a big laser gun,with a what seems to be a bag attached to it. Both seemed to be exhausted just by how much they sweat and covered in mud.

"Eh? Adudu? Probe? What are you doing here??" Boboiboy questioned.

"We...We make sure you FAIL your mission!" Adu du said,but started to pant heavily as more sweat comes out.

You stiffen as your face paled and thought 'Oh no! He figured it out!!' Luckily,no one seemed to notice your silent reaction.

"Gosh...I'm beat.." He panted and groaned as he pass out from exhaustion.

You flinched at the sound of his unconscious body landing on a rock behind him.

The robot only chuckle nervously, doesn't seem to be in the same state as his Boss.

"Uh...Give us a sec,Let's take a break,we'll continue after this!" Probe only said. As the four of you only gaped at the sudden change.

Concern,you asked the purple robot "I-Is he okay...?"

"Oh don't worry,his just exhausted from all the traveling we've been through! Thank you for your concern,though!" Probe said.

"Oh! Then let me help with your injuries!" You said with a smile,as you gently put the laundry bags down and walked up towards them.

"Hey Fang,is it really okay to let her?" Gopal asked the shadow manipulator,Boboiboy nodded in agreement, the said boy just shrugged and shook his head.

"There's no point stopping her,we've tried ones and we nearly die from her reaction.." Fang said with a sigh,the two boys flinched from the answer,including the word 'die'

"Oh,but is it okay? You must be exhausted as well! You should rest!" Probe said with worry.

You only giggled as you took off your backpack and sat down behind your knees. "Don't worry! I don't feel tired at all. Now,Let's see here..." You trailed off.

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