Chapter 7

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After contemplating for the past few weeks of this,I come to a conclusion..
I SUCK at making stories!! I'm never really good at describing actions or how one's perspective view works!!
I just started this story while I was watching BBBG!!

So many ideas and scenarios just starts FLOODING in my mind,and It somehow motivated me to make a book of one!
Even though I procrastinate all the time....
( ╹▽╹ )

So,for the people that decided to come passing by in this book,thank you very much for passing by! It means a lot to!!

Now let's move on to the story!!


"P-please just calm down,Gopal!!" You tried to reassure your Indian friend,but he just won't listen or stop running.

You've been trying to calm him down for 3 whole minutes already!!

"Yesh,this guy..." Fang sighed by Gopal and his idiocy.


Suddenly,a dart came shooting on Fang,and hit his leg. "Ah!?" Fang yelped as he tried to stand up properly but his numb leg isn't cooperating well,

"Fang!?" You and Boboiboy yelled worriedly as you both rushed towards him,but Probe suddenly stopped you,trying to tell you something but-

"Wait!!!" Probe stopped you both in a hurry,like he wanted to say something but was stopped when Boboiboy changed to his earth element.

"Boboiboy Tanah!! Earth Burst!!" Boboiboy yelled as he punched the ground to summon his rocks as probe was flown to a different direction by his rocks.

Knowing that probe will be alright,you run towards the shadow manipulator, "Are you okay?" You asked with concern as you glanced at the dart that is sticked to his leg.

"I-I think I'm fine,but this really hurts!" Fang said, as he followed your gaze to his numbed leg.

"I'll have to see this!" You worriedly said,as you gently yet slowly took out the dart from his leg, hearing him yelped in the process. Before you even had time to inspect the dart,another dart flown it's way between the two of you.

It could have hit either of your heads if both of you didn't move backwards at the same time,you shivered a bit on the thought.

Suddenly,more darts starts shooting you and fang in different directions.





Even above,

Fang had to shield you as he tackled you on the ground when you lost your balance from a dart coming your way from above.

"Fang!" You alerted him as you pointed behind him. When he looked,his eyes widen as adudu is mid-air ready to throw his spear.


Both you and Fang gasped. Fang rolled both of you to the other side. Kneeling down with one knee,he sat you up and pushed you to where the laundry bag,to your confusion.

"Stay somewhere safe,make sure the bags are protected!" Fang said as he stands up properly,the numbness now gone.

"But what about-"

"Just go!!" Fang ordered. You hesitated,but still do what he said. Taking three of the bags and hiding behind a random tree.

You watch in the distance,Fang summoning his shadow panther, as his and and adudu having a rough cat and mouse fight,and apparently...

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