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Time flies fast.

Shahana smiled at her daughter, sadly; as her niece did Malaika's makeup and tried to engage her in some sort of conversation to cheer her up, but her daughter paid zero attention to any of it. She had a gloomy face on. It's been a month since her unexpected- forced wedding. The ruksathi was supposed to happen two days later on. But the date has been extended due to Inaya Baig's poor health condition.

She has slit her wrists rather very deeply and was kept under medication and proper care. The Abbasi's had no choice but to give into Arsalaan Baig's demands. His words were curt and clear.

Arsalaan came to their home on the same day and announced all about his doings so casually, at last, he also added, "accept my sister or else I'm not taking your daughter with me. Neither will I divorce her." Malaika wasn't aware of that condition of his and that's why she was so confused as to how her family agreed so easily.

What she didn't know was; they were forced as well. Forced to send her off with that cruel man and accept his bratty little sister. But none of them had any choice, for Arsalaan Baig played his game very smoothly.

The Abbasi's were furious, more than at Arsalaan they were furious at their youngest daughter Sara, for throwing them in that situation. If she hadn't gone on her trip and gotten herself pregnant, all of this wouldn't have happened.

They couldn't even lock him up in jail for all the stunts he has pulled on their daughter. He had them at their weak point.

Sara has been kept a secret today as her baby bump started to show up. The child's father refused to marry her. She was just another girl for him and Sara had no choice but to raise the baby as a single mother. The family had plans for her, but right now they wanted to concentrate on Malaika; who has risked her whole life to save the name of the Abbasi clan.

"Smile now." Amara scolded her cousin sternly who stared back at her blankly. Shahana signalled everyone to leave the room as the makeup was done.

"You look beautiful. Masha Allah!" Malaika cracked a small smile at her mother who kissed her forehead with love.

"I hate him so much, Ammi," Malaika muttered with a blank face. Her mother nodded with a knowing look.

"But maybe this is how it was supposed to be, I think. Everything happens for a reason." Shahana said which made her daughter chuckle, a sarcastic one at that.

"I feel bad for Zayn. He li-liked me too much." Malaika couldn't get herself to look him in the eye for the last one month. She felt as though she has cheated on him and that feeling was killing her from within ever since.

"You're not supposed to think about some other man now," Shahana said sternly which she shrugged off.

"Look at me, Mali." she does as she was told and felt herself tearing up again.

"I know that you hate this guy, we all do. More than you. But maybe this is how it was supposed to be. It was your fate, and we cannot run away from what's meant to happen. You should accept the reality and learn to live with it."

"Seriously, Ammi?" Malaika couldn't believe her mother.

"Remember it was you, who always used to say; you're exactly where Allah wants you to be right now. Every experience is a part of his plan; for He is the best of planners."

Malaika was left stunned. It was exactly what she used to say to everyone when something unplanned and unpleasant happens. And now her words hit her back like a brick.

Her mother had a knowing smile on her face.

"Have trust and faith in Allah." She nodded her head involuntarily.


Arsalaan couldn't believe his little sister was getting married today. She has finally succeeded in getting her wish fulfilled like every other time. He wasn't very happy with its outcome but anything for her happiness. To keep her alive. She is his lifeline and he'd rather die than see her die.

But the last time, Arsalaan saw her, she has clearly made it clear to him that she hated his guts. Who wouldn't anyway?

He smiled contently as the nikkah nama was signed and his little Inaya was officially Inaya Zayn Abbasi. He was happy as long as she was happy. The ruksathi has also happened on the same day.

And now it was time for her ruksathi. Arsalaan's eyes ached to have a look at her. Malaika was in her room the whole day and only now she decided to come down, accompanied by a few of her cousins, who were giggling and gossiping in her ears but she looked pale and distant. His breath hitched and his eyes froze.

"Close your mouth, bro." His distant cousin nudged at him playfully, who shut his own mouth after receiving the classic Arsalaan glare his way.

Malaika was stunning. Her gorgeous green and golden lehenga made her look so pure and radiant, but her eyes had no spark of the new bride. Arsalaan had no one but him to blame for that.

In between all of the chaos, it was Malaika who was affected the most. She looked at him, with hatred and loathe as the ruksathi happened.

What followed next was an emotional journey; both for Arsalaan and Malaika. He hadn't been away from his little Inaya for as long as he could remember. And Malaika too was dreading the life ahead with him.

Arsalaan hugged his sister tightly before they left the Abbasi mansion. He'd miss her so much but this was meant to happen one day.

It has been twenty minutes since then, but Malaika was still continuing to cry as she faced the other side of the window, she has been crying for a while now.

The driver looked at them quite uncomfortably, and Arsalaan made a mental note to fire him tomorrow morning as he turned his attention to Malaika.

"Here." Malaika felt him poke her hands softly, she lifted her eyes to glare at him but the glare disappears as he forwarded her his handkerchief.

"No need." She snapped at him, rudely. Whilst continuing to cry.

"Your nose." He pointed out, blankly.

Malaika touched her nose confusedly and cringed at the liquid running through it. Embarrassed, she grabbed his kerchief and wiped off her nose first and then her tears.

Arsalaan felt glad that she has stopped crying at once.

"I hate you." She said, looking straight through his black orbs.

"I know." She turned away, not able to stare at his captivating eyes any longer. There's something about his eyes, which pulled her like a magnet. Which made her want to drown in them. And she couldn't risk for that to happen. Not even in her dreams. She hated him. Hated him so much for ruining her life.

That's how their journey of togetherness began.

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