10- Allmights woes

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Jesus the number of views just doubled overnight, how come whenever I'm asleep something good happens?

"All Might? What happened? Where did he go?" The Heroes ask, as they arrive on the battle field, much too late.

Endeavor didn't move, his quirk was back but his reputation is ruined, and hearing his faults coming from his son made him realize, what kind of a piece of shit father he really is.

Nezu: "All Might, are you ok?"

All Might didn't say anything, he just stood there shaking, his smile gone and the glint of his blue eyes disappeared.

Nezu: "well, it appears he escaped, you heroes search the area for casualties, and All Might your time is almost up."

Nezu went to grab All Mights shirt to get him out of his trance, but All Might grabbed Nezu Instead and pulled him close.

"where's my son Nezu." All Might said in a dangerous whisper, but the heroes heard and turned around to see All Mights usually smiling face contorted in anger.

Nezu was scared, "let me go and I—"

the heroes were scared of All Might, and so was the rest of Japan, it was all filmed and broadcasted live.

"I- I didn't do anything Toshinori, I just gave him to the guard in Tartarus" Nezu replied,
"Tartarus? You didn't say anything about sending my son to Tartarus Nezu"

Nezu struggled, when finally All Might let go of Nezu.

A huge gust of wind appeared as All Might jumped up into the sky and 'flew' towards the direction of Tartarus.

Nezu scrambled up and called the warden,
Nezu: "hello?! Warden where's Izuku"
Warden: "oh hey there Nezu, uhhh Whose Izuku?"
Nezu: "THE KID! The kid that I sent to Tartarus! Where's the kid!!"
Warden: "oh, the kid died last night, the guards said, the kid had a panic attack and couldn't breath."

Nezu dropped the phone, what has he done....

Nezu dropped to his knees and started to sweat profusely.
Aizawa: "Nezu, what's wrong?"
Nezu: "the kid..."
Aizawa: "so it's true then... the kids dead."

The reporters went crazy, they just witnessed three surprising events, one is the Skeleton naming himself the ghost rider defeated The number two hero easily, two is when his son Shoto told the everyone his 'sins', and now the number one hero, the one who smiles even in the face of a villain, became distressed.


Bakugo has is hand up his face covering it from the rest of the class.

Izumi on the other hand, was crying non-stop, 
"Izumi—", "let her be" Kirishima stopped Lida.

They wanted answers but nows not the time,
"We can ask next time"


All Might arrived in the island where Tartarus was built, he fell with a crash,
The guard thinking it was a villain readied their weapons.

All Might: "Where's my son."
Guards: "All Might? Oh my god! Can I have your autograph?"
(Fuckin idiot)

All Might glared at the guard,
The guard almost shit himself,

"I'll ask again, where's my son?"

"W-wait I don't know what your talking about.. I—I'll call the warden he knows everyone" the guard said in a frightened voice.
He ran off into Tartarus, while All Might waited. His smile turned into a grimace.

"Warden" All night said when the warden got out

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"Warden" All night said when the warden got out.

Warden: "A-All Might, what brings you here?"
All might: "you know why I'm here."
Warden: "the boy, well... he... died"

All might didn't move or even flinch he just asked, "where's the body, I'm going to bury him properly"

The warden pointed towards the backside of Tartarus, where they usually bury the dead inmates.

"Warden, just so you know, when you and your men are in trouble, I won't help you" All Might said leaving the warden.

He saw Izuku's body, covered in cloth near a newly dug grave.
All Might picked up Izuku's body and hugged him, "my boy... I'm sorry. I'm a bad father. I never should have left you, neglected you. I only wanted to protect you,"

All Might cried, he only stopped when Nezu arrived on plane, "let's go Toshinori", Nezu said.

"I'll continue to work in UA, but not for you, for my daughter"
Nezu nodded and led All Might into the jet.

How I had hoped to see you smile again.

How I had hoped to see you smile again

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