31- Saving Eri

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Author note:

Sorry for not posting a new chap my dudes! I couldn't think of anything sooooo. Meh here it is!

"Shit shit shit!" Overhaul ran through the scorched hallways, as he tried to escape his inevitable doom.

He passed the bodies of his fallen comrades, they're not dead, but they're not alive either.

"Don't try to run from the devil overhaul"

Overhaul stopped in his tracks, because in front of him was a skeletal figure, burning in the everlasting flames of hell, it's chains wrapping around it like live snakes.

"H-how! How did it come to this!?"


Overhaul just finished breaking Eri and reforming her using his quirk, she was crying in pain.

But he didn't care. All he cared about was his products. The world was corrupted with evil known as quirks, and he will do anything to stop it.

The so called league of villains are just a bunch of nobodies, who helped heroes after making their failed creations. Fucking pathetic.

"Stop with your crying Eri, it's annoying" overhaul spoke to the little girl, who was curled up into a ball, crying her eyes out because of the pain.

"Don't show emotions, your a curse, you don't deserve emotions like us humans"

Overhaul walked out of the room and locked it. He threw the key towards one of his men wearing a bird mask.

"Make sure she doesn't escape this time. Or your going to be my next lab rat"

"Y-yes sir"

The henchman ran towards the door and stood over it, his hands behind his back, trying to ignore the sound of whimpers behind the door.

Overhaul got into his office. He planned to surprise the heroes. He knew that they would come and try to take Eri from him in a few weeks time.

He pressed a button calling one of his men to his office. When the man arrived Overhaul told him to prepare the bullets when the fire alarm went off.

"What now!"


A huge explosion occurred a floor above them. Are the heroes here?!

Just then the man he ordered to guard Eri's room came bursting through his door, the henchman was covered in soot.

"Sir! The Riders here!"

How could I forget about him?! He's the most ruthless 'hero'


"Why are you here!? Where's Eri!?" Overhaul asked the gasping henchman.

"That's the thing sir... Eri is very sad right now. So I comforted her" the henchman laughed. Then his laughter turned into a sneer, his body slowly being covered in flames, his skin melting in the flames, exposing the bones.

"Rider" overhaul shook. He ran out of his office, dodging the flaming chains.

"Fly away little crow" the rider called from the distance, he was merely walking, pressing his hands against the stone walls, turning them into magma.

Flashback end

"H-how! How did it come to this!?" Overhaul spat through his mask.

"You, overhaul, are sentenced to the 5th floor of hell. Lucifer has a special place for the abusers"

"N-no! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Overhaul screamed and planted his gloveless hands unto the floor, causing a massive shockwave as sharp spikes appeared beneath the rider.

Each spike went through The rider, but overhaul wasn't finished. Overhaul once more used his quirk and made the floor underneath the rider open up and swallow the rider whole.

Overhaul laughed at the riders demise, but it quickly turned into a sneer when the floor bubbled up and melted.

Out came the rider, his chains pulling him up like tentacles.

"You done playing?" The rider laughed demonically.

At incredible speeds the chains wrapped around overhauls neck and pulled him close.

"For God is graceful, His grace will never end

for it is only God who gives you peace and rest.

God is the creator of all things we see.

by faith i believe his image in me.

for on my loving hands, you will pay

the penalty for sin, like a needle in hay.

Because this body, will never surrender, and never hinder

I am not a drop from the ocean, I AM the ocean"

The rider forced Overhaul to look at him in the eyes. And with that, overhaul was sent down into the void. Never to come back.

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