Our Childhood

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Chapter 2

All I could see was darkness. Actually, I'm not sure if I could see at all! I could hear the rumbling and dull sound around me. I could also feel...is that my sister? I could feel my sister next to me. This means that we weren't born yet.

Just as I said that I felt my sister being pushed away from me, into a bright space where I couldn't see. It was suddenly so cold! I could feel the water around up leaving, flowing somewhere else.

At least with my sister being born first she would still keep her 'Older Sister' vibe on me instead of pouting for weeks on end about how she's the younger one now.

Why? It was so comfortable here though...there was another push and I yielded...and I was stuck. It was so painful, I felt like my head was about to break. Is this what babies feel when they are being born? God, I shouldn't make fun of them for looking so ugly when they are born right away.

Soon I felt myself caught in a firm pair of hands. I still couldn't open my eyes but I could hear everything much clearer now.

Female: Let me...see our children a female voice sounded. I'm guessing that's our mother

Male: We've got twin daughters. Thank you dear, you can rest now...

The man sounded like he was about to cry. I'm guessing he's our father

Mother: They're beautiful...

Is this normal? Mother's voice sounded unnaturally weak. I strained my ears to hear more but somehow I heard the sound of wind and sea. Were we born on a ship?

Mother: Isso Fujitora. Please take our daughters to a safe place. I know you are a man of justice and your word. Please give me your word that you will protect them...and give them a happy life.

Holy shit! Really? Fujitora is our father? That God probably messed with the timeline a little to arrange this. No way for such a coincidence to occur naturally. At least he still has his eyes.

Fujitora: I will...

Fujitora...our father was sobbing as he said this. I think I understand what is going on now.

Mother: Take them away from Wano. This country will never give our daughters a chance to grow up. Protect them...my Diana and Kara.

With that, she fell silent. I could open my eyes slightly. Just in time to see a full grown Japanese man, who looked a lot of like a younger version of Fujitora, to close the eyes on the most beautiful asian women I have ever seen.

With one more hug, he took all three of us into his arms and we stayed there for a while...letting the situation sink in.

A few days passed in silence except for the few times my sister, now Diana, and me, now Kara, cried involuntarily. Seriously, the body of an infant is hard to control. Most of it is just impulse and natural.

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