What's Your Justice

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Chapter 9

Luffy & Smoker: WHAT?!

Luffy: I had a dad?

I held back my urge to face palm while Smoker and Dragon looked at me in shock.

Me: Smoker, I did warn you. Did I not?

Dragon: The World Awaits our answer

I could tell he was about to fire a gust of wind to set Luffy free. While I also wanted Luffy to go free, I still wanted to make sure he recognized him as a threat and took the time to talk to me.

Me: The answer is Justice!

As the Marines (including Smoker), Luffy, and Sanki started to be blown away by the gust of wind I increased the gravity to 15g. They were all suddenly pressed against the ground by what they expect is an invisible force. Most people would've been sent to death by this, but this was One Piece pirates we are talking about. They should be fine, not to mention Luffy's rubber constitution.

Luffy: Whaa...?

Dragon looked at me in shock before composing himself again.

Dragon: I've never heard of such a Marine before. Who are you?

Me: Rear Admiral Kara Fujitora. Pleased to meet you.

During this time, Luffy and Sanji crawled outside of my gravity well and started to stand up.

Me: Captain Smoker, I suggest you chase after those two while I have a friendly talk with our Revolutionary leader here.

Smoker grunted before he turned into smoke and chased after the two.

Dragon: I don't have time for this.

With that, he unleashed his Conqueror's haki.

Me: Oh, you will!

For the first time, I let my Conqueror's Haki run free. As our wills clashed, the air vibrated and shook. People fainted left and right as our haki was felt all around the island. Dragon's haki held out for a bit, but then I pushed him back, solidifying my presence in this world. Dragon's haki yielded.

Dragon: *cough* *huff* You... you're a Conqueror Haki user?

Me: I won the clash, so shouldn't it be my questions first? But yes Mr. Obvious, I can use Conqueror's haki as well.

Tell me. I always wanted to know who would marry you. Who is Luffy's mother?

Dragon: You should have expected me to not answer that.

Me: Meh, still worth a try. I was wondering who Garp would've had to marry to give birth to someone like you. Who did Garp marry?

Dragon: And here I thought there would be some serious questions. I'd like to refuse to answer that as well.

By this point, there were several Marines who started to come back to their senses around us, they stood up and pointed their guns at Dragon.

Me: Marines, put your arms down. You'll only anger him. Besides, while I don't think he can win against me, he can always escape. There's no point so let me ask a few questions while I have the chance.

The Marines lowered their guns after I told them.

Me: So, here's something more on the topic of Revolutionaries then

Dragon: I'm listening.

Me: I understand that there is great corruption in the Marine organization. Especially the middle echelon and perhaps the World Noble's abuse of their authority. But why label the entirety of the World government as false justice?

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