Childhood Part 2

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Chapter 3

5 years have passed since then and now we were are 7 years old. I've got to say though...god do we look cute. We lost most of our baby fat but we still kept our large round eyes and slightly round cheeks. We grew much taller and our proportions getting closer to that of a child's than a baby's. We also got stronger than what we thought possible.

I mean, I was already much stronger than my past life. And I was a field police officer damn it!

We thought that with dad recently blinded, he might need some time to adjust to his new 'sight' but that was not needed at all. Although dad could no longer see us with his eyes, it seems that he could pretty much Observation Haki his way to do pretty much the same if not better.

He made us run so much that now we can run around the entire archipelago without collapsing. We lifted so many weights that I'm not sure how we still look so skinny and lithe. That doesn't mean we're not getting physically stronger though! I could lift up a full grown tree if I go full power.

What was worse, or I guess still beneficial, was his gravity training. Everything became two times harder in 2g, then more in 3g, but it only continued to get harder as whenever we got stronger, he raised the gravity as we trained.

We showed him that we both awakened haki which came as a surprise to him. He saw our purple/black hands as well as felt our observation haki. Maybe we shouldn't have done that because with haki training our training field has 25g. This is definitely not something normal 7 year olds could survive.

After so much foundation training, haki training, he finally decided to let us pick up the sword. I must say, if anything, the anime downplayed his ability with the sword.

His strike speed and power was out of anything I've ever seen. From the very beginning, he taught us the grip, stroke, and style.

We proved to be quick learners and after we learned the basics, he picked up his training (wooden) sword and told us to fight him.

Dad: Faster! Your opponents won't wait you for to return to your original posture!

Dad: That has too many stops in it! No hesitation in your strokes! Move in a straight line!

Dad: Look closely at here your opponent's sword is headed. Use your haki to enhance your vision. A moment's hesitation could lead to your death!

It was hell, but I loved him so.

We reached a mastery in both forms of basic haki as well as some of the 6 marine skills, which our father couldn't help with as much, but we managed. I was starting to hit the borders of advanced haki for observation while my sister armament. We both could feel our conqueror's haki within us rumbling, just waiting to be unleashed. We both agreed that it was for another time.

What was the time for now was our devil fruits. We knew dad would never let us eat one on purpose so we would just need to feign ignorance on what it was after we eat it. After all, he never mentioned the fruits themselves in his stories; just strange people with even weirder abilities.

At night when dad was taking his nightly bath, we both took out our fruits from our inventory. I think God made it so that both of our fruits each had 2 of the 4 fundamental forces. Mine had electromagnetism and gravity while my sister's were the two nuclear forces.

We couldn't have timed it better.

The moment our dad stepped out of the bathroom, still steaming in his bathrobe, we each took a large bite out of our fruit.

The next moment we were both dangling upside down with dad trying to make us choke out the food. We almost did with the gravity at at least 10g. Seriously, the floor cracked under his feet.

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