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Chapter 74

We arrived at the Holy City of Marie Jois by flying up. We didn't bother to dock our ship down below and go up painfully slow on that air bubble thing.

I knew that our country would be recognized as a neutral power, but I didn't expect the World Government to include us in the 'Reverie'. While I knew it was going to be quite boring, I also knew that it would be better to know the things going on inside the government. Of course, this meant that sis and I would be doing almost nothing while we make our Prime Minister handle all of the logistical stuff.

Once we docked/parked the Requiem at the top of the Red Line, we were welcomed by some knights wearing possibly the worst armor design I've seen. Despite this, I knew they weren't weak by this world's standards. Each of them could probably give an average captain in Paradise a good fight, and there were a dozen of them here.

Knight: Twin Monarch Kara and Diana Fujitora, you are here representing the Neutral State of Safe Haven. You are given special diplomatic status as Foreign guest.....

Blah blah blah. He was talking too much about what we can do and what we can't do. It was mostly just telling us to have some common sense in our actions. It wasn't like the World Government was dumb enough to make us pay should be break a minor rule or two anyway so we both just ignored him after a while.

We didn't take the Travelator, the moving road with a lot of slaves pulling it, into the Holy City. We didn't want to torture them more than they already were. I bet most of them were innocent people and not Captured Pirates.

From far away, I felt someone looking at me...I turned my senses there and found that idiot Charlos looking at me through a telescope...drooling as well. Are you seriously going to turn it into this development God? *sigh*

Diana: Kara?

Me: Same thing that happened to Shirahoshi's going to happen to me. I don't think anyone else will be stupid enough to try us.

Diana: So?

Me: I'll just give them a little warning...and make him regret it with his life.

We arrived at the socializing plaza but the only ones who were allowed to socialize were sis and I so we said farewell to our crew who would be staying in their rooms until then.

The Plaza was quite crowded with Royalty from all over the World. Some I recognized while others we've never met. What was obvious was that everybody recognized us. Possibly because of our former exploits as Admirals or perhaps as one of the greatest forces in the New World after defeating Big Mom herself.

There was the usual group of Kings who wanted to marry their sons to us but we simply ignored them, causing a bit of a ruckus but nothing they can do about. They weren't influential countries to begin with so I didn't see a problem with that.

We got to meet King Cobra of Alabasta and a few others we forged good relations with so that was pretty nice. Well, good things came to an end when I saw a massive slave with Saint Charlos approaching me.

Me: Sis, don't worry. I'll take care of this. Could you do the talking though?

Diana: Sure

Charlos: Gwet her! Put tda cwhains ohn her!!

As the idiot pointed at me, the giant started to rush at me while the other Royals quickly moved out of the way.

Just as the Giant almost got him hands around me.

Me: 20G


The giant was pressed flat on the ground, unable to even lift a finger.

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