The Hidden Island, Mycan

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Chapter 52

We didn't even bother the raise our hands. I was about to do it when sis beat me to it.

Diana: *Conqueror's Haki*

As the black aura crashed into the soldiers with white streaks crackling in the air, there wasn't much resistance.

Instantly, all the monks that were trying to attack us except for the guy who screamed were knocked out.

Diana: So, what's it going to be? Do we take retaliation for trying to hurt us? Or would you please kindly take us to your leader so we can see what is going on in this place.

Bald Man: ... Please follow me

No respect for his fellow Monks huh? He's ignoring them as if they're nothing. Looking around and scanning the place, I found that the central landmass if divided into 2 main regions that differed immediately, how? There was a giant wall in the middle of the island with everyone staying far away from it from both sides. Either their keeping people in/out from/of there or they're not on good terms with each other. I would guess the latter.

We were led through a series a dirt roads when we heard a *zap* and a scream from behind us. I guess someone was stupid enough to try and get on our ship. Seriously, who does that? Did they really think we'll leave it unguarded?

After a pretty short walk, we were led to the biggest wood structure... a 4 story Mansion that honestly looked kind of shabby. But for this island's standard, it must've looked like the Empire State Building.

After waiting for a couple of minutes outside the 'gate' which was just an average fence with a couple of monks around it, we were allowed inside.

As I entered the 'Mansion' I found symbols I don't recognize, statues of people that were out of proportion, and a lot of weird things I had no idea what the purpose was for, but one thing was clear.

Me: If the person who lives here leads this island, then this is a theocracy. None of the things here would belong in a Kingdom alone, this person is using the authority of whoever that guy's messenger he said we were to keep his least that is what i think.

I could've deciphered the symbols with my Rinnegan if they gave me a bit more time but unfortunately we didn't.

Bald Guy: *knock* *knock*

John: They have a knocking culture as well?

Leave it to John to ask the really important questions.

Guy: Enter

Inside was the fattest man I've seen on the island. I mean, while most the people outside looked pretty skinny...even slightly starved, this guy was fat. He was also bald like the other monks and worse a very tight looking Tiger skin which was a pain to the eye.

The moment I used my observation haki on him, I knew I was facing a corrupt bastard. The red aura that symbols malicious intent and lust. Simply disgusting, I saw in him what I saw in World Nobles.

I looked directly at sis and she understood. We're not going to get along with this guy.

Guy: Greetings, I am the Head Priest of the world of Mycan. May I know why you are here and how?

Diana: We come from the outside world which is so much bigger than you could ever believe. This area is secluded by this storm wall which has been circling around this island for centuries. I believe we're the first to have made it in here?

Head Priest: Well, you are the only ones to have passed through the Worldly Barrier if that is what you are talking about. But you still haven't answered why you have come here.

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