𝟙𝟚|𝔼𝕕𝕘𝕒𝕣 𝔽𝕣𝕠𝕘 ℝ𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕕

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I am so sorry it took this long I got lost in the mayhem which is my life!! But here is your imagine!! This request is for Maggiemay1827 I hope you enjoy!!

Maggie Emerson had moved to Santa Carla with her brothers and her mom. A lot of things happened when they moved there. There was loads of vampires and they defeated them all. After what happened Maggie thought they were going to move again and she was going to leave the most amazing people in her life behind but no. Her mom decided they were going to stay.

She was ecstatic. You see Maggie had met two boys one of which held a special place in her heart whilst the other had become her best friend. Those boys were Edgar and Alan frog. Edgar held a very special place in Maggie's heart because she just couldn't imagine him not being in her life. Sure they had only known each other a couple of weeks but she had some how fallen in love with the bandana wearing boy.

Maggie wasn't like you'd picture a girl to be, she doesn't wear skirts or dresses. She wears jeans and sweatpants. But that didn't stop Edgar from taking an interest into her. You see the fact she wasn't like most girls is what made Edgar even more interested in her. The fact that she never wanted to wear makeup etc.

"I'm telling you Sam, Edgar has a crush on your twin." Alan says as he stacks shelves. "I can hear you. You know that right?" Edgar says from the next isle over. Alan whispers 'shit' under his breath. "Yeah we got you." Sam says chuckling slightly. "Hey bro, you got any money on you? I really need a drink and I left my spare money at home." Maggie says walking into the store.

"Yeah here you go. Get me a milkshake too." Sam says. "Alrighty. Hey Alan, Edgar if you're here." She says. "Yeah I'm here." Edgar says. Maggie walks to the next aisle. "Hello there." She says smiling at her crush. "Hey." He says focusing on his shelf. "Need some help?" Maggie asks looking at the three boxes he has beside him.

"Yeah that'd be great." Edgar smiles. "Ok one sec." Maggie says and rushes to her brother. "Hey could you get our drinks? I'm gonna help Edgar."  She smiles. "Sure. Banana milkshake?" He asks responding to his twin. "You know it." She smiles and rushes to help Edgar set out the comics.

"So how's business been recently?" She asks. "Good we've had a lot more customers recently which is good." Edgar responds. "That's amazing!" Maggie says. "So how come you haven't been around recently?" Edgar asks. "Well, I just thought I'd explore Santa Carla a bit more." She says lying. In reality she'd just been at home reading in order to avoid Edgar to stop her crush growing.

"Ah ok. You could have asked I would have went with you." He says smiling but worry was shown in his eyes. "Yeah I know. I just felt like an adventure and went spontaneously." She responds. Edgar nods in a way of saying ok. "I'll be back in one minute." Edgar says and walks to the back room. "You know he was worried the whole time you never turned up with Sam and he told us he didn't know where you were." Alan says coming round the corner.

"He was?" Maggie asks trying to stop the blush begging to spread on her cheeks. "Yeah, I'm telling you he has a crush on you. So where were you really?" Alan asks. "I was, at home just reading." Maggie says knowing she can't lie to Alan. "Why didn't you come to the store?" He asks smirking knowing exactly why but wanting to hear it from her. "I-i just felt like staying home." Maggie stutters out.

"Mhm are you sure?" Alan asks. "Ugh fine! You win. I was avoiding Edgar in hoped my crush on him would go away ok." She says. "So you avoided me then lied to me about where you were? All because you wanted your crush to go away? Do you know how worried I was?" Edgar says stepping beside Alan. "I-i Edgar I'm sorry it's just-" Maggie starts to explain. "You could have just talked to me." Edgar says looking down and putting his hands in his pockets feeling hurt. "I'm sorry." Maggie says.

She puts the comics she had in her hands back in their box. She looked at Edgar for two minutes hoping he would look up but he didn't she shook her head. "I knew it was a bad idea coming here today. Stupid Sam for convincing me. I guess I'll see you later. I'm really sorry Edgar." She says and walks out on her way out Sam walks in holding her milkshake she grabs it out of his hand mutters a thanks and walks out.

"What happened?" Sam asks the frog brothers. "A confession and a confrontation. Did you lie to us when you told us that you didn't know where Maggie was?" Alan asks. "No she usually gets up before me so when I woke up and saw she wasn't sat at the dining table I'd assumed she went out why?" Sam asks. "She had stayed home the whole time avoiding me because she thought her crush would go away if she did." Edgar says looking hurt once again.

"Yeah Maggie is not good with crushes she always hides them away hoping they'd go, but only hurts herself more in the process." Sam says staring at the brothers. "Is that why she just left?" He asks again. Alan nods his head yes. "Shit, she wont go home because mom will always know something is up. Where could she go?" Sam tries to think. "I know. Let me go alone though please. It's her secret spot and she didn't want anyone else to know." Edgar says and runs out the comic book store.

He runs the whole way to the cliff where Maggie always sat when she was upset. And just like he thought there she was legs dangling off the edge. "You know, you could have just told me M." Edgar says and sits down next to her. "I know but I was just scared." She says looking at Edgar the sun highlighting his features. "I know that now Sam told me. You know I have a crush on you too but when you avoided me I thought you didn't like me." He says turning to look at her.

"Wait what?" Maggie says turning to Edgar. "Yeah, I got really nervous and worried because you were no where to be seen and I thought you didn't want to be around me." He says looking at her. "I-I never thought you'd like me and i never meant to make you feel like that." She says looking down. "It's ok." He uses his hand to lift her chin up. "I know you didn't mean to do that." He says smiling.

Edgar stands up and offers his hand to Maggie. She takes it and stands up. "You know this is actually where we first met." Edgar says. "Oh yeah you come up here just to clear your head after an argument with Alan and I was sat here because I had just moved here and had to leave all my friends behind and start over." She says smiling. "Yep. And we just sat and talked who knew just over a month later we're here again." Edgar says. "Yeah who knew." Maggie chuckled.

"And who knew that here is where I'd ask you." Edgar says looking nervous. "What?" Maggie asks intrigued. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Edgar asks. "Of course I will." Maggie says and hugs Edgar. He hugs her back and chuckles. They pull back slightly and heir keeps meet. "Wow." Maggie says as they separate. Edgar chuckles and takes Maggie's hand. "Come on, lets go to the boardwalk for a bit." Edgar says and they walk back hand in hand.

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