Don't Play the Music

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"Hey! Come on, check this out!"

We stopped by an antique shop. I've never been a fan of antiques.

But when I saw this box, I feel like I'm going to like it anyways. I may not be an antique lover but I do love music.

So we checked it out.

The box is beautiful. The ornaments and carvings on the box is very well made.

"I bet the music is beautiful just like its box, right?" my friend told the old woman at the counter.

Her smile disappeared when my friend said that.

"You must buy it first."

"But how will we know that its not broken? Come on, granny. I'll buy it. I just need to see if it works."

I elbowed her. She's speaking informally and she isn't like this at all.

"Fine. Just a few notes." she said, opening the box with her trembling hands.

The music box opened, and we heard a beautiful music from it. After listening for just a few seconds it was opened, she closed it quickly then looked at us with cold sweat running down her wrinkly forehead.

"It works. Now are you going to buy it or not?"

"I'LL BUY IT!" my friend said.

After that, we went to the dormitory. Her room is just beside mine.

"Hey, do you want to watch movies with me?" she asked.

"No thanks, I still have a thesis to work on. Maybe next time?"

She sighed then took another shot of herself holding the music box.

Such a vain friend of mine.

"Okay then. Be sure to like my photos, okay?" she said.

I sighed and open my room's door as she went in hers.

I worked on my project that night when I started to hear some weird noises in my friends room.

There were loud thuds and heavy footsteps-like someone is running.

Well, she is watching a horror movie. I was supposed to watch The Possession with her if it weren't for my thesis.

Then I heard loud screams. She's such a wuss.

I slept. I woke up late, and its a good thing that its Saturday.

I went out and knocked at my friend's room. No ones answering.

Maybe she's still asleep. She's always like this. I went in my room again, only to see a box on my coffee table.

Its the music box my friend bought yesterday.

How did it get in here?

I picked it up and went out, knocking at my friends door. She's better not pranking me again or I won't help her with her thesis.

Still, no one responded to my knock.

"Fine, Stella. Have it your way! Don't expect me to give this box back!"

Still, no response.

I rolled my eyes and there I noticed a note at her doorstep.

My facebook

I walked in my room. Well, I had a dare with her and I lost. I had to like her every freaking photos for a month.

I put the box at the coffee table and opened my laptop, sitting on the sofa.

I froze as soon as I saw her photos.

The first one was taken before she went in her room. She was holding the box, and behind her was a little child with a sewn up face, blood dripping all over her white dress.

The second was her on a sofa with the child peeking from the door behind her.

The third one was a video. My finger were trembling as I clicked it.

She was recording, and the box was on her table.

"Hey.. so.. this is my new music box. Its really pretty and it has the most beautiful sound I have ever heard for like three seconds..Haha.. it goes."

She opened the box and then its music played. My eyes saw the child run towards her and the scene was horrible.

She was holding a knife. She ran and then stabbed my friend. My friend tried to run but she was caught by the child and started stabbing her again.


Those noise aren't because of the movie..I looked at the note, my hands trembling and then I saw something written just below. It was written at the back.

Don't play the music.

Then I heard a thud from my doorstep. I look at the music box on the coffee table. It's closed.

But then I realized.

I played the video. With the music box playing in it.

I heard footsteps and there I saw the child.

She then, ran towards me. And all I can do at that time was scream as she I felt her knife stab me.


Happy 1000th read everybody!!!! TT^TT Oh god I'm gonna cry!!!!!!
Thank you for reading my work!! WAHHH!! THANK YOU TO THE 1000000000TH POWER!!!*-*


Inspired by The Possession. xD

And by the way, we also have a music box, so I got this story from that also.

Ours were its not a music box anymore.Hahaha! XD -___-

This story is just my imagination. Thanks for the movie and the music box we used to have, I was able to scare myself again.

Mwahaha!! Have a good night sleep everyone!!*-* And thank you for reading this work of mine!! GOD BLESS~!! XD

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