Schoolyard crush

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(Baki x reader oneshot~ enjoy.)

*Beep, beep, beep, beep!!*


That was your alarm.

"Just five more minutes...."

You grumbled, curling into a ball under your blankets.


Your mother called.

"If you don't get up now you'll be late for your first day!"

You groaned from under your blankets.

"First day of school as the new kid-"

You grumbled.

"Yippee for me..."

Groaning sarcastically you forcefully pulled yourself out of bed.

Once you were dressed, you made your way downstairs, almost mournfully.

You wanted to be at your old school.

In america with your friends.

But no, your dad just HAD to accept this overseas job in a country that you knew nothing about.

Your family had moved so quickly you hadn't even had time to learn the language.

It was a culture shock to say the least.


"Alright everyone, we have a new student today!"

Mr. Kujaku said, beaming.

"A foreigner. Lets do our best to make her feel welcome. Would you like to introduce yourself, young lady?"

"Ah, okay..."

You walked over and wrote your name in japanese as best you could.

(You'd practiced religiously since you heard you'd have to.)

"My name is Y/n...It's very nice to meet you all."

"It's nice to meet you, Y/n. Now, there should be an empty seat next to Baki- MR. BAKI HANMA YOU BETTER NOT BE SLEEPING IN MY CLASS AGAIN!!"

The boy known as Baki snapped upwards, straight in his chair, visibly startled.

"Snaasgh- Eh?! W- what'd I do??"

The class burst into laughter, making this seem like it must be a regular occurrence for the boy.

Taking advantage of all the eyes being pulled away from you, you quickly walked over to the empty seat next to Baki.


He greeted softly.

"Uh I'm uh Baki."

"So I've noticed..."

You teased.


Baki sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

'What a pretty girl...'

"Alright now today's lesson is geography-"


"Hey! Wait up, Y/n!"

A familiar voice called after you as you were walking home.

"Huh...? Oh your the sleepy boy from earlier!"

Baki looked embarrassed.

"Do you wanna walk home together? I mean- It looks like you go the same way so..."

You smiled.

"Yeah sure."

The two of you walked together, joking around and making small talk.

It was nice.

Your old friends may have not been there but....

At least you had made a new one.

Baki! OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now