Clutz (Part 2)

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You'd been wandering around the lobby area, phone in hand in an attempt to get a hold of one of your friends so that you could tell them where you were.

No responses.

They all must have still been engrossed in the fights.


You'd been so focused on your phone, you somehow managed to not notice the seven/eight foot giant lumber up behind you.

The large hand on your shoulder nearly made you jump from your skin.


you spun around, your eyes widening when they landed on a familiar and very large person.

How the hell....

Did someone HIS size successfully manage to sneak up behind you without you noticing?

You were definitely one of the first to get murdered in the horror movie.

"Whoa there...Sorry 'bout that. Didn't mean to scare yah."

He spoke in a a deep, gruff voice that made you scream internally.

Wearing a smile, he held his hands up jokingly in defense.

"It's just that I didn't get your name back there."


'Holy he...hitting on me?'

Your brain couldn't comprehend any words and in your surprise you could only focus on his voice and you managed to give this gem-

"You sound like batman..."

You just about died, internally cursing yourself for sounding like an idiot.

The man's eyes widened slightly in surprise for a moment, before a fit of soft chuckles erupted from his chest.

If embarrassment could kill you-

You'd be a pile of ash on the floor.

Your whole demeanor was quite amusing.

Not only in your Cute disheveled state managed to compare him to batman- and apparently weren't afraid of giants-  he'd just barely begun to flirt with you and you were already an adorable, panicked mess.

You were definitely to fun to tease.

His smile grew broader.

"Oh really?"

You face-palmed.

"Please ignore that..."

"But you said it."

"I know I did-"

"So I sound like batman, eh...? Isn't that one of those marvel heroes from america...?"

He questioned softly.

"Actually he's from DC."

You mentally slapped yourself.

Jack smiled down at the floor.

"I see...So I know you like Marvel and Dc now but I still don't have your name."

"It's Y/n..."

You managed to squeak.

"And uh- Yeah I guess, sort of..."

You murmured with a pout, visibly embarrassed.

'Oh god I sound like such a fucking nerd-'

This made him grin at you.

Even when you were pouting it was cute.


You nodded quickly.

"It's a pretty name."

You held your hands in front of you, one hand going to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, shyly looking up at the man.



"Your name?"

"It's Jack....Jack Hanma."

"Um...well it's really nice to meet you, Jack."

He didn't expect to flush a little, hearing your voice say his name.

You looked up in disbelief.

Was he....


He definitely wasn't as scary as you thought.

"But....I actually wanted something other then your name."

He leaned down a little so that his face was closer to yours.

You froze, unsure of how to respond.

"Y-Yes? W-What would that be?"

You felt his lips curl into a smirk against your ear.

"Your number would be nice."

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