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~Adrians POV~

I hopped out of my shower feeling refreshed. I quickly put on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. We have senior finals today and we're going to be sitting for a most of the day. I downed my cup of coffee. I hated black coffee but I really needed the energy today. I ran outside once I heard a knock with bread in my mouth and typing remind of my phone.

"Hey Tommy!" I greeted quickly

"Hey, ready to go?."

"Yes! I can't believe senior year is basically over. Once finals are over we're done!."

"Yeah it is. We made a lot of great memories."

"Yeah.......we did."

I walked to school. Tommy asked me to ride in the car with him but I don't like car rides anymore. I headed to main hall to get started on my finals Today was math. I sucked at it. Adrian was really good at math.

I sat down quietly and pulled out a 2.0 pencil. After the stack of sheets were handed out the only noise was pencils dragging across paper and a couple sniffles here and there.

The next 3 hours were dreadful. I think I got some of the answers right. I just wanted to get out of here. There was obvious cheating going on behind me but I couldn't care less. Not my problem.

After the bell finally wrung I headed out of class. I hate finals. I have to stay still for way to long. I don't think I've ever looked forward to the school bell till now.

"Hey I'm sorry about Adrian, we all miss him."
A small freshman girl whispered to me.

My eyes widened. Why would she mention him? It's been so long since he.... well whatever she's just trying to be nice I guess. It's not the time to think about that.

"Hey August!."

"Oh hey Alyssa."

"How's the search for the apartment going?."

"Not very well. You'd think colleges would have more places around them to live but I guess I got unlucky."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"Yeah I guess."

"Are you going to eat lunch with us? We're going off campus."

I thought for a second. I wasn't hungry.

"Nah Im going to go where I usually go."

"August do you really think that's healthy? Not to be rude or anything but he's not coming back. There's no point in visiting."

I turned around with the most disgusted face I've ever made.

"Don't ever fucking said that."

"Wait I'm sorry."

I left school and started heading over to the place where everyone dreads.

"Hello August visiting again?" The front desk lady asked.


"Here's your pass."

"Thank you."

I headed off to the elevator. There was weird people in there. They looked bored. Almost like they wanted to start throwing a party in here.

I heard the beeb of the elevator and stepped out. I headed down the familiar hall and into the same plain room.

And there my world was. Lying in the bed. He dint have as many tubes. Just 2 or 3. It's what kept him alive.

"Hey baby." I greeted him. I know I was never going to get answer back but I could still hope.

"I had finals today. They were a pain in the ass.
It was math. I know that's your favorite. You would of passed without a second though."

I caressed his face. And placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Everyone is acting like your already dead."
I whispered .

I placed my head in his chest to hear the comforting heart beat.

"Your not gone. Not yet. Your still by my side. Like you've always been."

He looked the same. Just his face was placed and he wasn't as muscular.

"I know it was a short visit but I just wanted to stop by."

I intertwined my fingers with his. I played with his fingers for a while. Than let go. The beeping. The beeping that I hated was now a sound that brought me relief. It was a reminder hes still here.

But the Beeping right before I stepped out went flat. The high pitched sound echoed. Fear shook down my spine.

He body started shaking. He was seizing. I pressed the red help button and went over to his side.

"It's okay baby stay with me please."

I cried while nurses and doctors rushed in and dragged me out. Tears filled my eyes. It was time. Now he's really going to be gone.


Sitting in the waiting room was like torture. I already knew what was to come. Tommy was next to me rubbing my back.

I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up. Because me and Tommy both knew what was happening. We both knew I wouldn't be able to hear his heartbeat again.

Asher came in with his husband. He had obviously been crying.


I ran up to him and we cried together. We have grown close the past few months. And now we were bother going to lose someone we loved.

Than the nurse and a doctor came in. I sat down ready to hear the words. The words that would confirm he's gone.

"First of all, thank you August. No one was watching him at that time. We're very thankful you were there." The nurse said softly to me

Yeah it's not like it changed the outcome. He was dying in front of me and I couldn't done anything except call other people for help.

"How much longer till you tell us ha going to be gone already?." I spit out. I just wanted the pin to hit my already. I just wanted to get over it.



" I guess him getting unstable alerted his senses again. Adrians vitals came back strong. His body almost doesn't need the breathing tube anymore."

"He isn't dead?"

"No actually, he woke up."


Hey guys! Sorry the story has gotten so dark. I just wanted to add more challenges in the story to create some more character development. So I meant it to seem like he was dead in the beginning. I wanted my readers to expect the worse. I know that's mean but I just wanted to relieve you guys.

I wasn't sure if Adrian should've died. But I dint really want this to be a super sad story. I wanted this to be a love story. And I know how much I hate when my favorite book characters die. I hope you guys are ready for the wholesome chapters to come♥️

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