With you again

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~August's POV~

He's awake. I can't believe my ears. I shut up from my seat and looked at the doctor with begging eyes.

"Can we see him?"

"I'm sorry but you need to wait a couple days since your not direct family."

My heart broke.

"He's the closest thing Adrian has to family other than me. He's on his emergency contact list for a reason." Ash told the doctor firmly.

"You can go with the family, but you will all still need to wait till tomorrow." The doctor told us

"What if he wakes up and no ones there again?" I whispered to the nurse.

"He will be under all night, when he wakes up you will nether don't worry." The older lady told me with a warm smile.

I nodded and made my way home. I kept getting calls but I ignored them. I stepped outside my house and made my way to the garage and grabbed keys.

I took a deep breath and got in my car. I plugged in the keys and the engine roared. My entire body shook and I felt sick to my stomach.

"I can drive Hon." A warm voice said from outside the car window

It was my dad. He looked worried.

I quickly nodded and stepped out of the car to go int the passenger side. He got in and turned on the engine.

"Where to?" He asked me.

"The mall."

"How come?" My dad asked curiously

"Adrian woke up and I want to pick up some stuff for him when he wakes up." I said with my voice shaking.

"He woke up?"

I nodded.

"That's amazing August! Here have my credit card. Get your self and him whatever you want. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks dad." I said with tears in my eyes.

We drove and he dropped me off. I had my eyes shut the entire time to focus on anything but the fact I was in a car.

I stepped out and went to a store with Korean candy's. He loved those to death. I basically bought half the store and than went to get him a comfortable pair of pjs to change into when he wakes up. It was around 350$ but I dint mind. I some decorations and a couple more things for him.

I called my dad and he picked me back up. And headed home.

I barely got any sleep that night. I wanted to hear his voice so bad I couldn't wait.


I was outside the hospital with 7 bags. I looked a crazy and I tried to dress good but my face still looked like shit.

I stepped in and made my way to his room.
I stepped in and noticed there was no more beeping sounds and also no more beeping. And than I noticed there was also no Adrian. My heart raced and I dropped my bags and ran out.

"ADRIAN." I yelled

"ADRIAN WHERE ARE YOU." People gave me strange looks but I brushed it off and kept running.

"ADRIAN." I kept screaming over and over.

~Adrians POV~

I head spun from all the information I just took in.
We were in a car accident and I faintly remember August in a window shield. But my brother told me he was fine. I was also wondering when August would come. I heard he came to my hospital bed every day. That warmed my heart that he dint give up on me. My brother told me that everyone thought I was going to die. My condition was getting worse and there was no way I was going to live. But he also said that August would go around saying I wasn't dead yet and would get mad when they acted like I was. I chuckled but I felt really bad. For months he was here. He's the love of my life and theres no questioning that.

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