Chapter 32 - They Broke Me

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"Would you like something to drink?" Hailey smiled at them, but sadness leaked into voice.

Hailey's house was probably one of the best house's in the village. Most were tents or huts, but Hailey's was a mud house. There were two beds on one side, a rug in the middle, and a table on the other side. They were all sitting on the table, Peter and June were standing because there weren't enough seats. 

"No, thank you," Roxy said, "We just want to talk."

Hailey nodded and sat down. "So I take it you are from the academy? All three of you?"

"Yes," Guthrie replied.

Hailey sucked in a deep breath, "Lana is alive?"

"Yes," Guthrie said, though a pit of unease filled her stomach. Was she alive?

The lines on Hailey's face relaxed. "How did you get out? Where's Lana?"

"That's why we're here," Roxy said. "We need to tell you the truth about the academy."

"That they experiment on their students?" She asked bluntly. 

Dahlia stared, mouth hanging open. "How did you know?"

"There's a lot I need to explain to you girls," Hailey shook her head, and then said quieter, "Pete, June, I need you both to go outside."

"What?" Peter said sounding outraged. "I found them!"

"Go." Hailey said, her tone leaving no room for objections. They both left the room, heads bowed and feet dragging on the floor.

"Follow me."

Hailey stood up from the table and pushed a rug aside. There was a hole around a metre wide. 

"Where are we going?" Dahlia asked.

But Hailey didn't answer, instead she jumped into the hole.

"Does she expect us to follow?"

"What are you waiting for?" Hailey's voice echoed from the hole. "A GloBal invitation?"

"Here goes nothing," Guthrie muttered, and she jumped down the hole. Guthrie felt her breath knocked out of her as she jumped down. It was pitch black inside and Guthrie fell tumbling, until she landed on the ground with a thud and slid down on the ground.

"Alright. Who's next?" Hailey's voice was right in front of her.

Guthrie gulped as she heard the sound of someone else tumbling down the hole.

"Ow!" Dahlia yelped.

Guthrie swirled around. "You don't suppose there's a light that you could switch on?"

"Oh," Hailey muttered before the lights flickered on.

Guthrie gasped as she took in what she saw. All around her was a huge room. With wooden walls, and bookshelves filled with books. There was a table in the middle of the room, and a holoscreen which filled one wall.

"Woah," Dahlia breathed.

"What is this place?" Roxy asked.

"This is my underground office, you see, I know what you came here to ask, you have friends back at the academy, that you need help to save," Hailey began.

"Yes," Guthrie exclaimed, "Yes! That's exactly what-" 

She broke off as she saw Hailey's expression.

Hailey shook her head, "I'm afraid I can't help you,"

"What!" Roxy shouted. "You're leaving your own daughter to rot?"

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