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"If you accept my brother as your boyfriend then I have more to say. I will wait to say it until you make your decision since I don't want you to be even more overwhelmed right now." Michael tells the flabbergasted female in front of him. He understands much of what she's feeling right now. When John came to him about her he felt just as off center as she is feeling and he didn't have a shit load of information thrown at him to be digested and having to make a decision about.

Whitney shakes her head. She's so confused.

Michael dares to break the silence by saying. "You are aware of my brother's handle. Would you like to be given one as well? You should have been given one some time ago and haven't. Just as well since my father can't give decent handles worth shit."

Whitney looks at him vacantly for a bit before shaking her head and looking at him with intelligence. "I think I would like that."

"Your name or rather your handle will be Lady. It's short for Lady Killer." John smirks as he says this. A little play on words since lady killers are generally associated to be men.

Whitney brightens at the handle. "I like that. But isn't it rather late to be giving me a handle if I'll be leaving the business?"

"First off, it's never too late to have a handle. Makes it easier to talk about someone if others have no clue who we are talking about. Second of all, we hope that you will remain willing to take at least emergency cases if needed. So then it will be better for you to have a handle."

Whitney smiles brightly at them both, "I see, yes, I accept the name and John, I accept being your girlfriend." Whitney loses her smile and bites her lip unsure about the next part. "I will also accept moving into your room with you, just to warn you there are times when I wake up from really bad nightmares."

"I would be shocked if you didn't. Not with my father's loving care that he's given to you over the years. Michael and I both wake from nightmares as well.

"I thank you for giving this old killer a chance, Whitney." John smiles at her relieved and amazed that she actually chose the option he was hoping but didn't believe she would.

"I will also accept your offer of going to the prom with you." Many of the girls at school have hoped that he would ask them, but he is known to scorn all the girls there.

"Good, that's settled and welcome, Whitney, I'd say to the family but it's still early days and you might smarten up and decide to cut all ties to us long before you get to that point.

"Now, since you have made your decision I have a proposition to give to you. You are aware of my brother's and mine unusual relationship?" Michael looks at her intently.

"Oh! Yes, of course he mentioned it to me earlier. I wouldn't dare dream of coming between you two and I won't say anything to any one else." In truth, Whitney hadn't even thought about it when she made her choice. But there is no way in hell that she'll try to come between the two of them. She might trust John, but Michael, she's terrified of him.

Michael smiles at her reassuringly, "I never thought you would. What I'm going to say you have every right to say no to. I have run it by John and he's fine with it, but only if you are as well. If you say no, then it's no and it's off the table unless you have a change of heart sometime in the future. I won't bring it up again, ever, until you do. Is that understood?" Michael waits for her to answer, which she does with more than a little bewilderment.

It's Michael's turn to take a deep breath and cross his fingers for the outcome he wants. "I propose that you be my mistress in addition to being John's girlfriend."

Whitney can only look at him and blink her eyes. That is so not what she thought he'd say. That had been no where near anything that she could conceive of him saying.

She turns to John and asks him incredulously, "You are really okay with this?"

John feels his heart sink at her words and tone. "I will only be okay with it, if you are. Your body is your own now. If you don't want sex with someone, even me, then you won't have sex with them. Period, end of story. You know the history I have with Michael. He will be the only one that I'll be with besides you. You don't have to be with him if you don't wish to or if you don't trust him. We will both understand if that is how you feel. However, if you feel able to accept him and be his mistress it will actually make things easier." John sees her look at him inquiringly so he continues.

"There will be times when I will need to take Michael's place and he'll be taking mine. You are aware of how volatile our line of work can be. I am far more trained in dealing death than he is and I'm far more able to deal with any torture should I be captured. If he takes my place and you are his mistress then you will be more relaxed and natural with him than if you aren't. I am aware that you are also an excellent actress, but it will come off better if you are actually with him sexually at least at times.

"If you can accept this arrangement then he will be accompanying us to the prom although he'll be finding his own date there." John finishes up.

Whitney sits back and thinks things through ignoring the pain from her whipping. It's more of an irritant than anything else at this time.

"You would find a date there?" That just sounds wrong to her.

"Yeah, there are always some that go to the prom without dates, either alone or in groups of friends. If I don't find someone among those females then I'll look over those that came with dates and separate them." Michael says more than a little sure of the reality of his words coming true.

Whitney looks over to John. John shrugs, "He did it last year with little problem."

Whitney just shakes her head as she thinks over Michael's proposition. She bites her lip as she comes to a decision. "What happens when you get into a real relationship?"

Now Michael is confused. "You being my mistress will be a real relationship. I'll be taking you out and spending time with you when John and my job allow it. I'll still be with others and if I take on the burden of a girlfriend she will know about you and that I have no intentions of giving you up. If she ever gets to the point of being serious I'll then be telling her about John and I's relationship. If that doesn't scare her off then I'll add in that I have no chance of giving up my one night stands and casual sex."

Whitney looks at him baffled, "Are you trying to make it so you never get married? You do understand that you will be expected to marry and have children to carry on this legacy, right?"

Michael shrugs, "They will need to take me on my conditions or they won't take me at all. Father just chose some poor whore and made her have his children. She died in child birth, at least that's what we've found out. I have no problem with John being the one to get married and have the children. I can just as easily leave the mafia with one of his children as have my own."

Whitney looks over to John, "Do you want children?"

"Before today I would have said hell no! But after meeting you, I wouldn't mind giving you a child. If you wanted more I could be open to the idea."

Of all the things Whitney heard that night that one was the most shocking of them all.

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