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The man is thrilled when they bring in one of the Leavington boys. He just wishes he knew which one it was. He knows the names and which one is in charge, but he has no idea how to tell them apart. He gets the brilliant idea of asking the girl if she knows. After all she was the girlfriend of one of them. 

He has no idea that she was also the mistress of the other one.

He had been upset that she didn't eat the meal provided for dinner either. If she doesn't eat soon then she'll be too skinny to bring in the full amount of money that he needs.

Perhaps her seeing her boyfriend or the other brother would make her more alive and more salable.

Humming to himself he calls for ten of his men to accompany him as he goes first to the girls room and then off to see his newest guest.

"Come here girl, I have someone I want you to see." The man says opening the door.

The girl slowly moves off the bed and over to the man.

When she heard what he said Whitney comes alive for the first time since she was taken. It has to be one of the boys or they wouldn't have reason to take her, unless of course it's a potential buyer. 

Whitney goes over to the man hiding the life that has come into her and the curiosity. 

If it's a potential buyer, Whitney has no problem killing this bastard. It might mean her death, but at least he'll be dead as well. If possible she'll try to take out the buyer as well.

She notes a bit of the passage that they travel through, but since she has no point of reference she is easily lost.

They finally stop in front of a metal door that the man takes a key out of his pocket to open. "Please, come on in and have a look." The man moves over and allows Whitney to go into the room. She is hesitant since she isn't sure what she'll find on the other side.

The room is dark except where the light is shining on the person strapped to a chair. She holds in her gasp. Of the two she had expected them to get Michael rather than John.

Once all his men are in the room the man moves to his guest and starts hitting him. John wakes up and looks around sneering at the man hitting him. "My old man hit harder than that on his easy days. Don't you have anything else?"

John's words were a bit slurred since he's still only half conscious and his head is spinning crazily. He looks up to see what he can of the room and meets Whitney's gaze. He smiles brightly.

The man terribly unobservant thinks that his prisoner is smiling at him and doesn't realize that he's given his prisoner the one thing he needed.  With the words of his hostage ringing in his ears the man lets loose a volley of hits.

Whitney is disgusted at the cowardice of the man. Here he has his forced guest tied and strapped down and he still felt the need for ten men? Oh, yeah, there's her as well. But he has no idea what her name even is let alone her abilities. If he had even a smidgeon of a clue what she could do he wouldn't have left her unrestrained.

Whitney smiles in delight and winks at John.

John nods back at her and makes sure that he keeps the coward's attention.

Whitney slips into the shadows since the men are busy watching their boss beat up the helpless man or are bored out of their minds and playing on their phones.

Whitney pick pockets the guard nearest her and takes his weapons. Once she has his knife she uses it on him making sure that he doesn't make any noise. She gently lowers him so that he doesn't bring any attention to her.

She silently works her way around all of them. Once they are down she takes the gun she relieved from one of the guards and chambers a bullet. She then releases the safety as she sticks the gun in the cowards back.

The man had stopped when he heard the bullet being chambered and the safety being taken off. When he feels the gun in his back he holds up his hands.

"If you don't want to die, at least at this time you will release John, now." Whitney's voice is just as arctic cold as John's is when he is preparing to kill someone. It even sends shiver down his spine as he hears Whitney talk like that.

It also turns him on.

"So, you are John?" The man says as he carefully and slowly undoes the restraints on the chair.

"Yeah," John smiles brightly once more as he looks back over to Whitney. He doesn't worry about the man using a weapon on him, he'd seen Whitney remove them earlier.

"That's my girlfriend that already killed your men."

The man swallows. He hadn't expected any trouble from the girl. Nor had he thought she would have been trained to kill. "My father has trained her to kill for the last eight years. She actually has more kills to her name than I do, now."

"Hush, Snow, he doesn't need to know about any of our history."

"S-Snow?" The man stutters as he turns white.

"Hmm, yeah, that's what I'm called. My brother tried to explain to me why they gave me that handle, but I still don't understand it."

"Enough talk, move out of the way so John can get up." Whitney says more than a little upset that John is chatting away with the enemy.

Johns stops talking and moves off the chair once the man gets out of his way. He makes sure that he doesn't get in Whitney's line of fire. He moves to the shadows and closes his eyes to adjust them to the darker conditions.

"Great, now you," Whitney points to the encroacher, "get in the seat. John, I'll need you to tie him down."

The man is more than willing to do so. They both are scaring the shit out of him. He had no idea that Snow was actually one of the Leavington's. He thought he was just a contract killer they hired out.

His plan had no chance of succeeding before it even began. Then the girlfriend is just as much a killer as Snow. How did that get missed?

"What's your name?" The desperate man asks her.

"Just call her Lady, as in Lady Killer." John says with a smirk. He finishes doing up the restraints and goes to Whitney.

Their kiss is hot and desperate and it isn't until the man starts gagging that they are brought back to the current situation.

"Should we go?" Whitney asks while handing John several weapons.

John's about to speak when they hear what sounds like gunfire outside the door. "Nah, it will be safer in here and Michael will easily be able to find us. Right now we'd just cause problems and likely get lost while doing so."

Whitney nods and so they sit down on the ground and make themselves as comfortable as possible.

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