Chapter 10 - Iridescent

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Alexis's POV:

The morning two weeks after the day that Erik showed me his face dawned bright and cold. He hadn't let me see it since that day. He really didn't like to show anyone. He had been super secretive since that day. He was absence for hours and wouldn't tell Jewel or I anything.

At that moment Jewel was out playing with the dog and I was clearing the table. My ankle was almost completely healed and I was beginning to wonder what on earth I was going to do. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay. By now, I was sure I was in love with Erik. But the thing was he seemed to feel no emotion whatsoever. Either he was really good at hiding or he felt nothing. I prayed it was the former. I couldn't help but fall for him. He might be deformed but for me he was perfect. He would make Jewel a great father. So much better than the sheriff. He would shun her while Erik would adore her.

I placed our dishes into the sink and washed my hands. After drying my hands, I hung the towel up and heard the door open. I turned around and saw Erik walk through the door. A saddle was thrown over his shoulder and a bridle was in one hand. I raised my eyebrows because I didn't even know that Erik owned a saddle. He looked at me and said,

“Come with me. I have something for you.” I frowned slightly. What on earth did he have for me? I followed him out to the paddock where one of his mustangs stood. I was beginning to see what he might be planning. He opened the gate and walked in, leaving me on the outside. He easily caught the horse and led it over to the side of the paddock. He gestured for me to come it. He slung the saddle on her back and said,

“This is Iridescent. She is one of the rare albino mustangs. She is my pride and joy. You can pet her if you want.” I reached up and touched her neck. She tossed her head and snorted. She was perfectly tamed. I smiled and rubbed her beneath her neck. She pulled her head up and turned toward me. I giggled and stroked her nose. I looked at Erik and I could see the smile in his eyes. Those perfect green eyes. I forced down my blush and looked back at Iridescent. Suddenly his gloved hand joined mine and his other forced me to look in his face.

“Alexis, ever since the day that you accepted my face I have wanted to reward you somehow. There is no reward great enough but I decided to give you one of my most prized possession, Iridescent. She is your's now. That is what I have been doing for the past two week. Breaking her to a saddle. Do you like her?” I just stood there. I couldn't think. Erik was giving me one of his mustangs. They were his family. He protected them with his life. I never imagined he was give me one. But I didn't just like Iridescent. I loved her. I blushed and said,

“Erik, I don't like her. I love her. She is perfect. But in reality you didn't have to do anything. I wasn't expecting anything. You are you and I like you that way.” I blushed turned away and by doing so I didn't see the look of shock in his eyes. He grabbed the bridle and slipped it on Iridescent's head. He whistled and his black stallion appeared.

“Do you want to go riding?” I nodded quickly but then looked at Jewel who was chasing Night around.

“I would love to but what about Jewel?” He laughed and walked over to his stallion.

“She will be fine. Night will keep her safe.” He sprang onto his horse and looked back at me. I patted Iridescent's neck and swung aboard. She shifted under my weight and tossed her head. She had more spirit then Ash and I wasn't so sure now. Erik laughed and watched me walk her around the paddock. She was a seemingly calm horse which surprised me. After about ten minutes of getting used to the mare's gaits I felt comfortable with leaving the paddock. I rode around for another ten minutes before Erik said,

“There is something I want to show you. Do you want to see it?” I nodded quickly. I thought he might have smiled but I couldn't be sure. He turned his stallion to the north and we headed off.

About thirty minutes later, we arrived at the top of a hill. I slipped off of Iridescent and walked over to the edge of the cliff. As far as I could see there was scrub brush and hills. There was the occasional burst of color where there was cactus blooming. The sky was a pale blue and not a cloud to be seen. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of the cool air. I could have lived here for the rest of my life. This was heaven. I looked behind me and saw a very much concerned Erik looking off another direction. I walked over to him and he pointed,

“Can you tell what that is?” A cloud was moving along the ground. It was a dust cloud. I looked deep into it and said,

“It looks like horses and some of them have riders.” He squinted and then his eyes went wide. He ran towards his stallion and leaped aboard. I ran over and grabbed Iridescent's bridle. The mare was spooking.

“Erik, what is wrong?” He looked at me and said,

“It's the rustlers and they have some of my mustangs. Stay here. You don't need to get hurt.” I shook my head and pulled myself onto Iridescent's back.

“I can keep up. I can't let you go alone. Shall we?” I gestured to the path down the hill. He nodded and I saw a glint in his eyes. I wasn't sure how much I was going to enjoy this. Sometimes when I was around him I believed that I was in a old western movie. Well, I probably was.

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