Chapter 15 - Love and the Decision

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Alexis's POV:

I drew back and realized I had just give away my deepest secret. He couldn't love me. I was a nobody with a deformed baby girl. He wouldn't want that in his life. He just stared at me in shock. His perfect green eyes weren't understanding what I was saying. He whispered,

“What did you say? You didn't just say you were in love with me?” I could hear the desperation in his voice. I took a deep breath and realized that there was no going back. I had said it and he knew it.

“Yes, I did say that. And I won't take it back even though you can't ever love me back. After all, who could. I am just the woman who got pregnant when she shouldn't have even been thinking about a boyfriend. I am just the woman who gave birth to a deformed child and refused to give her up so that a normal man might love me. I am nothing. You are the Horse King. We might as well be opposites.” I turned around and started to walk out of the barn but he stopped me with four words.

“I love you, Alexis.” I froze in my tracks and turned around to look at him. He couldn't love me! I stared at him and said,

“How? I am nothing. I have already said that.” He laughed and took off his mask and gloves. I didn't even notice his scars. I had accepted that face and always would. He walked towards me and threw aside his mask and gloves. He held my face in his hands and said,

“Because you are you. You love me. I never have been loved. The horses are my only friends until you came. That is why I kept telling you not to defend me. I didn't want you to get hurt. You stubborn girl, I love you. I always will. May I... may I kiss you?” He asked quietly. I stared at those warm lips and nodded slowly. He smiled and kissed me. It is amazing how much feeling two words can hold. And the words “kissed me” held so many. That last time I had been kissed by a man was when I was raped. But this kiss was so much more different. There was warmth and light and love. I melted as he deepened it ever so gently. By complete accident, I moaned. I couldn't help it. This was heaven. I had been right. Those lips were made to kiss, just made for it. When both of us needed breath we slowly parted. His green eyes were glowing and I was blushing. He pulled me into a hug and whispered,

“My love, oh my love, thank you. You don't know what that means to me.” I blushed against his chest and said,

“Erik, what are we going to do? Richard will come looking for us. I fear what he might do.” Erik sighed and said,

“Well, we can stay here or we can move. But we have one large problem. The rustlers are taking more and more horses. I dare not move my horses to another place. Here I might be able to defend them but I have no where else for them to go.” I sighed and thought about it. Suddenly an idea popped into my head.

“Erik, what if we made a truce. The people of the town want the rustlers gone more than they want you gone. Richard might be convinced to leave you alone long enough to go after the rustlers. If you help him then the people won't want you dead. They will rejoice. You can be free. Free! You can live a normal life!” I was looking into his eyes by the end of this speech and I felt my eyes glowing with joy. We could be a couple. We could be husband and wife. I didn't know where that came from but it did. I wanted to be his wife. All he had to do was ask me and I would do it. He looked at me and smiled slightly.

“That is an option. I don't like the idea of working with my brother but I could.” It was then the I remember about their relationship.

“Erik, how did you know you were his brother?” He laughed and said,

“Do you think that I lived my whole life away from the world. I knew exactly who my family was. Mother and Father are dead as well as all my sisters and brothers except for Richard.” I quickly said,

“Then your last name is Down?” He shook his head and I scrunched my eyebrows.

“No, my name is Destler. You see, my mother remarried soon after she abandoned me. Her second husband's name was Down. Richard took on his name. I am Erik Destler.” I giggled and the first thing that popped into my mind was Alexis Destler. I had it bad. Really bad!!

“Well, Mr. Erik Destler, why don't we go back into the house? Jewel will be worrying.” He laughed and released the horses out of the barn. They bolted into the hills and I laughed. He led me to the house and we walked in to find Jewel sleeping on the couch. He bent down and picked her up gently. He walked into my old bedroom and laid her down on it. I thought about slipping in beside her but I didn't want to wake her up. Erik seemed to understand what I was thinking. He took my hand and led me to the couch. He laid down and offered me the remaining place beside him. I giggled and slipped into his arms. He held me close and whispered into my ear,

“Tomorrow, I will look into talking with Richard about the rustlers. Maybe we can come to a deal. Sleep well, my sweet. Sleep well.” I snuggled into his arms and did just what he said. It was hard not to when I was so comfortable.

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