xlviii. She Is Who She Is

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✧·゚: *✧·゚:* the inside man *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
date: March 18th, 2016
location: The Playground, Classified

     ━━Clara's teeth gritted in her concentration. Her eyes narrowed in on the ball of gold that buzzed in her hands, trying to move it around. In the months past, Fitz-Roy-Simmons have come to the conclusion that it was energy. Somehow, Roy managed to manipulate her energy, and the energy around her, and when the two connected, they created a vision of gold flickers and light. Her father had used to drill the First Law of Thermodynamics into her mind nearly every day, and now that he was gone and passed, and here she was, she wondered whether he knew all along. Their family stemmed from the energy of the universe━it was the origin of their powers. Clara had never expected that this was hers━especially when it had started out as healing ... but that was energy manipulation in itself.

    It felt like she was stretching a rubber band. It started off in the centre; from inside, before expanding out as far as she could make it, and then it snapped around something else, or towards something else━like rubber.

     Clara pulled her hands away as far as she could, and the light expanded out in waves of energy━like static lines before it grew too much, and she sighed and they snapped back together, and it was gone.

     "Come on," May told her, "you can do better than that. I've seen you do better than that."

    Roy pursed her lips and gave May a look━much like an annoyed child who was scolded for not doing something she was supposed to do. "I'm doing as good as I can. I don't even know half of what I'm doing."

    May arched a brow, and Clara sighed. Looking back out towards the objects May had set out before her in the gym, she fixed her position, crossing her legs and tried again. "You know, I would much rather be in the lab━"

     "Just do as I tell you, Roy."

     Her mouth snapped shut, and Clara grumbled to herself. But she did as she was told. Taking a deep breath, she tried to feel the blanket around her━energy moving back and forth; like buzzing bees bouncing and hitting against each other, again and again and again. She felt the burn inside her, and pulled it out to her fingertips. Her eyes opened, and the gold cascaded around her fingers. She held them up, and twisted the energy back and forth, pulling at it and expanding it━as if warming it up before using it.

    Clara poked her tongue out like a child in her concentration. With brows furrowed, she directed the energy downwards and hoped it would listen this time. Roy thought about what she wanted it to do, and her brows knitted even further as the gold encased the apples in the bowl. With her hand, she guided the apples back up. May watched her, and Clara didn't even see the flicker of fear at how easy she went from not being able to do anything, to moving the fruit back and forth before━

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