6: 3... 2... 1...

1 1 0

I count down from three in my head. 3... 2... 1... I think. BOOM!

There was no explosion. I look around confused. Did someone find and defuse the bomb? I look around at the surrounding people. A couple looked strangely at me. They were probably wondering why this girl was crouched behind a car with her hands covering her ears.

I step out and make my way towards where I placed the bomb. Someone walks over to the bin where it was hidden. They look in and notice the flashing light. "BOMB!" They yell. "THERE'S A BOMB! EVERYONE EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY!"

Frantic people rush towards the exit. Little did they know that if the original plan had worked, they'd all be dead by now. Instead of running like a frightened bunny, I marched my way over towards the person by the bin. "What do you think you're doing here?" They ask me while looking me up and down. "Do you have a death wish?"

I completely ignore the man yelling at me and telling me to go away. He tries to grab me by the arm. I tackle him and throw him to the ground. "Don't touch me," I growl.

He is left looking at me with a speechless expression from his position on the floor. I look at him and smile a sarcastic smile. He continues to stare at me in disbelief.

I reach into the bin and take out the bomb. It still had around 30 seconds left. I watch as they go down. 31... 30... 29... I continue to count along in my head. I carefully place the bomb back into the bin. 26... 25... 24... I turn and leave the man to stay there. He grunts loudly. I turn around.

21... 20... 19... "Aren't you going to get back up?" I ask.

17... 16... 15... "My back got hurt from the fall," he says. "I may need help getting back up."

13... 12... 11... I grunt as he puts most of his weight on my arm. I struggle to help him up.

7... 6... 5... The time becomes shorter as I continue counting. I tense up. I drag him to his feet.

3... "Run!" I yell.

2... He's still standing there, staring at me.

1... He turns and runs into the opposite direction. I can feel him watching me as I turn towards the bin and away from the sound of his footsteps.

What a coward, I think silently. The bomb explodes.

I get thrown back and hit a wall. A sharp object pierces my stomach. I feel multiple other pierces throughout my entire body. It hurts so much. I feel the need to cough, so I cough. I feel liquid dribbling down my chin. I instantly regret coughing.

My eyes fall shut. I cough again and my eyes jolt back open again. I weakly look at my stomach. A red liquid was staining my shirt and trousers. I cough and watch as the blood drips down on my shirt, further staining it crimson.

The outline of the scenery in front of me fades away. A rumbling is heard. A snap. I summon the rest of my strength and look upwards. I close my eyes when the wall hits, enveloping me in darkness.

I listen to my heart as it weakly continues to beat in the darkness. When it stops, I know there's no hope. 

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