12: Rings

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I feel the hand slip off my neck. I gasp for air. "Bri... an," I hoarsely whisper.

My shallow breaths start to even out, and I hear my heart rate returning to its normal pace. I was still on my knees, but the strength was painfully and slowly returning to my muscles.

I really should have realised that I had lost it. And that the authorities would blame me. I'm an 'outcast', after all.

I pace along the small cell I was placed into. "Is this really necessary?" I say to no one in particular.

"Can you shut up?" a guy says from the neighbouring cell.

"GUARD?" I try. "POLICE?"

"They won't listen to ya, kid," the man's gruff voice comes again.

He offers to keep me company. I find out he's been in here for almost a year now. He tells me to keep away from trouble, and when I tell him trouble came to me, he chuckles and scoffs. He was arrested on suspicion of being a kidnapper, and although they have no concrete evidence, they still kept him here. By the time the police released me, he had basically become my father.

We made a deal that when one of us left, we would tell each other's true names. I spoke to the officer that was escorting me out. "I have one last request," he nodded his head.

I spun around on my heel, and said, "So, what's your real name?"

"My name is Phillip. Now, boy, tell me yours."

"My name is Adrian."

"I'll see ya again, one day," Phillip says. "Out there." He points towards the blue sky through his barred window. He grabs my hand and places something inside. It was the keyring that he always had with him. It was metal and had a number on it, the number of his cell. I remembered the story. He nicked it off one of the guards that had a key to his cell.

I nod silently, "See you."

I slowly turn around, glad to leave this place, but sad to leave him behind.

My parents give me a thorough scolding, but I am glad to finally settle back into my bed. I notice a stack of paper on my desk. An idea strikes me. I get up.

I hastily grab a pen. I start writing. I crumple up a couple of dozen sheets.

I fish around in my pockets for the keyring. I grab a metal chain and hang it on there. I want to put it with the chain with the rings, but I notice I it's not there. I search around everywhere, but it is nowhere to be found. I sob quietly.

~ A couple of years later ~

The tag bounces against my chest as I run along the Finaway River. I don't realise where I had run off to until I was there. I curse myself. I decide to leave my scared feelings behind and finally face my fears.

Before I could change my mind, I notice a small glistening light inside the warehouse. Its roof had small holes in it and rays of moonlight shone through those gaps. One of them perfectly illuminated a pair of rings and a matching dainty chain.

I stumble inside and hastily snatch up the rings. Tears of joy run down my cheeks. I had lost this a couple of years ago, but now they were here! Right here in my hands! I quickly fasten the chain around my neck and run off out of the warehouse, swearing to never return.

I slam into a man with long, blonde hair. I stare into his electric blue eyes. The same man who had almost choked me to death a couple of years prior. "I- I- uh- you- Sorry!" I stumble over my words. Terrible memories of that night come flooding back to me in an instant.

I suddenly remember that I haven't sent a letter to Phillip in ages. I run back home as quickly as I humanly could. I unlock the door and run upstairs. I frantically search for a pen and a piece of lined paper. I begin writing.

The crumpled up sheets of paper were stacking up in the bin now. I finally decide that the version sitting in front of me is going to be my last. I read it over in my head.

Dear Phillip,

How is it going? I'm sorry I haven't visited in forever. I hope the warden's still treating you well :P. Remember that guy that I told you about? The one with the blonde hair and shockingly blue eyes? He popped up when I went back to look for something I lost those years ago. I am super worried about him.

I miss you a lot. I'll come to visit you soon.



I cringe at the words that I have written on the paper. Before I can change my mind, I stuff the paper into an envelope and write down the address on the front.

I walk over to the mailbox and hastily and shove the letter through the slit. 

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