Chapter Twenty-Three | Dismissal

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VIVIENNE LOOKED UP at Chalcott manor, and a sense of relief swept through her. After their grand adventure last night, she was happy to be home and safe. Martin opened the door in quite the state of shock before he morphed his face into a more serious one, "Welcome back Your Grace."

James nodded at the butler before gesturing back at her and Fiona. "As you can see Martin, we successfully located the ladies."

The two of them were wearing the same dresses from last night and they were in quite the terrible condition.

"Lady Vivienne, Lady Fiona, it's good to see that two of you are safe and relatively unharmed."

Vivienne felt a tinge of guilt, she could only imagine the anger James must have felt when the butler told them of their disappearance. "Our apologies for causing any trouble for you Martin."

The butler shook his head, "Nothing but your health matters, my lady."

Vivienne smiled at him, exhaustion clearly still lining her face. They barely took another step into the foyer when Lady Torrington came thundering forward—well as fast as she could with her walking stick.

"Good Heavens," Lady Torrington raised her hand to her chest. "You all look like you've been through quite the ordeal."

"It seems we have," James said tightly.

Lady Torrington's gaze landed on both her and Fiona and that's when Vivienne knew they were in for quite the scolding.

"What were the two of you thinking? Parading around town without a chaperone, you should be grateful that no harm came about you."

"It nearly did," Lord Headfort cut in, giving his sister a glare. "Thankfully, we were able to reach them in time."

Lady Torrington gasped and her face paled. She looked at the two of them with a tad more softness. "Are your virtues intact?"

Fiona and Vivienne shared a glance.

Lord Berkeley coughed, "I believe I shall take my leave. The tavern was not as luxurious as Chalcott manor. I'll eat breakfast in my room and take a nap if nobody needs me."

Lord Headfort followed his friend's lead, leaving James with the two of them. She shot James a pleading glance hoping that he would save them. He only shook his head, "Every action has its consequences. The two of you left without a care in the world and now you must face the consequences of your actions."

He climbed up the stairs without another glance backwards. Lady Torrington turned her grey eyes back onto them, "Now, what am I going to do with the two of you?"


Vivienne stretched in the bed and sighed. She felt much better after her bath and nap. Lady Torrington had given them a quarter of an hour lecture on how ladies should behave, before ushering them back into their rooms quietly, lest anyone else figure out about their adventure. The two of them were to be confined to the manor as a punishment, unable to go on the rest of the outings planned for the group. Vivienne didn't care much for it, but she'd seen the look of disappointment on Fiona's face. She didn't know how much Fiona got out in her brother's country home but based on her action, it didn't seem much.

Ginger meowed and jumped on the bed. Vivienne squeezed the cat tightly, "You missed me little one, didn't you?"

Ginger allowed Vivienne to pet her. A soft smile made its way onto Vivienne's face. They were safe and that is all that mattered.

While not everything the night before had been pleasant, she would store the memories of their enjoyment separately from what came after. A shiver coursed through her body as Vivienne tried blocking out the memories of the men pawing at her. James told her that they were going to be hung and she wasn't ashamed to be relieved upon hearing the news. No other ladies would have to suffer from their hands ever again.

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