Chapter Sixteen | Friends

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VIVIENNE LOOKED AT the two gentlemen dressed in identical black tailcoats and breeches. The only difference really was in the colour of the breeches. The one who has spoken first wore a tanner colour while his companion sported a black one. She watched as the second gentleman also leaped off his horse, while taking off his top hat to reveal a shining mop of blond hair.

It was the blond-haired gentleman who spoke, his voice a dark and rumble contrast to his light looks. "Of course, he missed us Headfort, look how miserable he looks."

His companion the red head, whom she assumed was Headfort, smiled wide. "I reckon the air is much better with the two of us here now."

Vivienne continued staring with rapt interest, as James sighed and rubbed his temples while looking at the two gentlemen, "Bugger off. I don't remember inviting you over to my estate."

She let out a small cough at the surprise choice in the duke's words and three pairs of eyes swung towards her. Such casualness and familiarity was not something she had thought possible of the duke. She could see the curious gaze of the visitors lingering onto her, and Vivienne's skin warmed at the attention.

"Now," Headfort walked closer towards Vivienne, "who might this dashing lady be?"

Vivienne stopped herself from moving on Honeysuckle's back lest she fall and injure herself—again. Meanwhile, Headfort continued inspecting her, raising a hand to his chin to run his fingers through the invisible hair.

"The lady is none of your concern," James said tightly.

Her heart fell as she realized that the duke wouldn't be introducing her to what seemed to be his friends. She was his dark secret not to be seen until her debut in London. Vivienne wanted nothing more then to flee back to the manor away from their prying gaze, but she didn't know how to dismount. She gave James and equally tight smile to match the one he had bestowed on the gentlemen earlier, "Would you mind assisting me down from here?"

He didn't say anything as he simply held her from the waist, tugging her down from the mare in one fell swoop. Vivienne immediately took a step away from him to put distance between their bodies.

The blond-haired gentleman bowed, "Since James is being quite rude, I shall be the first to introduce myself. I am Viscount Berkeley."

The red-hair gentleman bowed as well, "and I'm Marquess Headfort,"

Vivienne curtsied, "Pleasure to meet you both. My name is Lady Vivienne."

"Are you visiting from one of the neighbouring estates?" Lord Berkeley asked her politely.

"No, His Grace has been kind enough to let me stay at his estate for a few weeks before I journey to London for the season," Vivienne explained, avoiding eye-contact with James as she did so.

Lord Headfort's eyes widened before he looked at the duke. "He's been that kind to you? Well, aren't I glad that we decided to make the journey to his estate because he seemingly forgot our annual invitation after meeting a beautiful lady?"

Vivienne skin pinked at the compliment. Nobody besides Agatha had called her beautiful.

"It is my estate in the end Henry. I was going to invite the two of you a little later on—"

"—But you got busy with the lady?"

The duke sighed, "No, there were other pressing matters for me to attend to."

"James, you do know that parliament hasn't opened yet right?" Lord Berkeley asked.

There was almost a growl from James, "Yes, I do know that. I don't need to be telling you everything that goes on at my estate."

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