Chapter Twenty-Four | Irrigation

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VIVIENNE NEATLY SEALED the letter with wax before ringing for a maid. Moments later, it was Mrs. Shrine who appeared, and Vivienne handed her the letter, "Will you have this posted for me?"

Mrs. Shrine nodded, "Of course my lady."

"I will require assistance with dressing in an hour, please send someone up."

The housekeeper nodded once more and her foot padded across the floor to the hallways, however Vivienne stopped her once more. "Is everything alright with Chrissy, she has not tended to me the last couple of days?"

Mrs. Shrine froze before she turned around slowly, her fingers nervously interlacing with one another. "About that my lady, she was dismissed a few days ago."

Vivienne eyes jerked back in surprise, "Dismissed, by whom?"

"His Grace."

Vivienne let the information settle in. Although she hadn't quite liked Chrissy and she was sure the maid despised her, it didn't bring her any pleasure to learn that she had lost her livelihood. However, it was unnatural for James to interfere with the running of the household which meant that Chrissy must have made a grievous error to earn his ire. 

"Well, His Grace must know best then. Do you think she will be able to find employment easily?"

The housekeeper gave her an unsure smile, "Everything will be fine, my lady. Chrissy had several years of experience; somebody will hire her."

"I do hope so," Vivienne said sincerely. She didn't want anyone to go through what she had. Hunger, loneliness, and fear were the only things she'd known for weeks before arriving at Chalcott manor.

Mrs. Shrine curtsied before leaving the room and Vivienne slumped in her chair, playing with the feathers of the quill. It was awfully lonely since the guests left Chalcott manor. Vivienne truly missed Fiona's red hair and bright smile; the lady had a presence that made her feel warm. Exchanging letters just wasn't the same as laughing and talking together underneath the sun.

Lady Torrington had taken the extra time to train Vivienne as much as she could about the impending departure to London. The season would begin soon which excited Vivienne greatly. Currently though, she was bored. There wasn't much to do around the manor. 

The duke was busy in his own affairs and after lessons, Lady Torrington would retire to her room, stating that she was exhausted. Vivienne noticed the dowager seemed more fatigued after the departure of their guests but if anyone pointed it out, Lady Torrington would pitch a fit. Ever since her grand adventure to the village, Vivienne hadn't been allowed outside without the watchful eye of a servant and she found it quite annoying. When she brought it up to Lady Torrington, the dowager firmly stated that until she earned her trust back, she would be treated in the way she acted.

Vivienne sighed and picked out a dinner dress, maybe she would be able to convince the duke to let her go somewhere. A maid knocked on the door and Vivienne let her in. She sat silently as the maid grabbed her hair and jabbed pins in it. It was clear that the maid had no prior experience in hairstyling however, Vivienne didn't say anything. As Lady Torrington promised, in London she would get her own lady's maid and to endure a little right now, didn't bother her as much.

Making her way to the dining hall, she saw that Lady Torrington was already seated. Surprisingly enough, it was the duke who was missing.

"Will His Grace not be joining us?" she asked, taking the seat across from Lady Torrington.

The dowager looked at the empty chair and her lips turned down, "He should be here by now, James was gone earlier in the morning."

Just as Lady Torrington finished her sentence, the duke walked into the dining room, "My apologies for being late, I got caught up in some work."

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