Chapter Twenty-Seven | Bond Street

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BY THE TIME Vivienne arrived at breakfast, it seemed that Lady Torrington was just wrapping up.

"Good morning," Vivienne said as she took a sip of the hot chocolate. "I do hope you are feeling much better today."

Lady Torrington's grey eyes did indeed seem brighter than they had the evening before. "Nonsense, I am perfectly fine. There is no need to fuss over me. All I needed was a little nap to return to my usual self."

Vivienne hid her smile behind the pastry she was munching on. The dowager countess had needed more than a little nap, but Vivienne was not going to hold it against her.

"How was dinner last night?"

Vivienne's smile dimmed. "Fine," she said tightly. "His Grace was not here last night so I dined alone."

Lady Torrington's brows rose, "Oh, it seems that my nephew has quite the social calendar when it comes to London. He left before breakfast today as well."

Vivienne shrugged her shoulders. "I can't say much, but he is a duke after all. Peers of the realm tend to be busy."

"Yes, I am well aware," Lady Torrington said sharply. Her tone went a bit higher, "I do wonder where he is, parliament hasn't started yet and he wouldn't be debaucherously visiting the gaming halls—not at this time."

Preston, the butler came into the room and bowed. He walked towards Lady Torrington, handing the dowager a missive, "This came last night my lady."

She accepted the missive and began opening it with a butter knife. "Say Preston, you wouldn't happen to know where my nephew has gone, would you?"

The butler shook his head, "His Grace did not inform me of his business."

Preston's tone was clear, even if James told the butler where he had gone, the man would not betray the confidence of his master. Vivienne's respect grew slightly for the man.

"Oh, this is wonderful!"

Vivienne's gaze swung over to see an unusual amount of exuberance upon Lady Torrington's face. Vivienne's heart sank, maybe the dowager had been invited to tea by some of her friends and she would leave Vivienne alone at the townhouse once again.

Feigning politeness, Vivienne asked, "What is it?"

Lady Torrington's grey eyes met her green ones. "It is from Madame Joselyn, the dresses we ordered are ready and she said we can come in for a final fitting."

Vivienne's eyes lit up; she would not be left behind! "That indeed is exciting news, are we going tomorrow?"

Lady Torrington looked at her confused, "Why would we go tomorrow?"

Vivienne fidgeted with the cutlery, "Well, you don't seem to be in quite peak health still..."

Lady Torrington huffed, "What do I have to do to prove my apt health around here. Did you know, there was some physician here earlier?"

Vivienne shook her head, she hadn't known.

The dowager countess looked at Preston with quite a severe frown. "Apparently, someone informed the duke that I was not feeling well. I of course got rid of the man before he could open his mouth to speak about entering my chamber."

Vivienne hid her smile. "I believe Ja-the duke will be quite unhappy to hear that."

There was another pointed glance towards the butler. "He won't know if nobody tells him."

Preston's face twitched slightly before the man bowed, saying he had to attend to other duties. Vivienne finished her tea.

"Good, you are done now. Grab your bonnet and let us head out now."

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