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JAMES HEARD THE creak of the door and he smiled, pretending to focus on the accounts in front of him. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw his son rushing forward in a burst of speed before he latched onto his legs.


"Ouch," James feigned hurt, as he picked up his son before placing him on his lap. "You almost took me out Watson."

Watson giggled before his face turned serious, "Papa, when is Grayson coming back? Mama said he would be here today! I've been waiting forever!"

James tapped his son's nose, "Relax Watson. We've told you that the journey from Eton is long, he will be here soon enough."

Watson, however, did not look like he believed him. James sighed, taking a glance at the papers in front of him. It didn't seem as though he would be finishing his audits of the accounts today.

"I'll tell you what, we can wait together in the front courtyard for Grayson."

His son looked less than impressed by James' proposal. It seemed that he would need to sweeten the deal. "We can catch a couple of toads and your Mama doesn't need to know."

A mischievous twinkle came into Watson's green eyes before he nodded. James let down his son before standing himself. He grabbed a hold of Watson's hand before leading him out of the study. Just as he shut the door behind them, he heard the knocking on the front door.

By the time they arrived at the foyer, Martin, his butler had answered the door. On the other side stood Grayson, with a wide smile on his face. James still couldn't believe that Grayson had grown up so much in such a short amount of time. In two years, he would be heading off to Cambridge instead of Oxford, much to James' utter disappointment.

After Grayson's mother had fled to Italy with her lover, Vivienne and James had decided to take in the young boy. He'd been a handful at the beginning, but they'd all grown close. Most of the year Grayson was at Eton, but in the summers, he came back to spend it at Chalcott Manor.

James looked down at his son. "It seems that your prayers have been answered, Grayson is here."

Watson didn't waste a single second as he broke out of James' grip to run down the hall. James chuckled when he saw Watson leaping into Grayson's arms. Grayson's green eyes met James and he gave the boy a nod and welcoming smile which he returned. Spinning around, he left the two in the front foyer. Watson would be Grayson's responsibility for the next few hours.

Instead of heading back to his study, James climbed the stairs only to come across his wife standing in front of a portrait. He leaned in, placing his arms around her belly and his nose in the crook of her neck. He inhaled the soothing scent of jasmine and honey, "hello my duchess."

Vivienne leaned back in his arms, until she was flush against his chest. He felt her mouth curve up in a smile. "I thought you had plenty of work to do Your Grace."

"I did," he grumbled. "But Watson was restless until Grayson arrived."

Vivienne laughed, "I've been telling him all morning to be patient."

"Our son is many things but that."

"Indeed," Vivienne echoed before glancing up at the portrait thoughtfully. "We will have to get a new one made after the arrival of this little one," she said rubbing her belly.

"We will," James assured her, as his eyes shifted to the latest portrait he had commissioned.

Aunt Esme's grey eyes glanced back at them. Even in the portrait, she looked as regal as ever. Vivienne followed his gaze and her smile dimmed slightly. "I wish she could have met this one too."

He took in a deep breath, even as his heart clenched. "As do I, but she lived a full and happy life."

The last few years before her death, Aunt Esme became even more of a recluse. She was still lively when they visited her, but James had watched the weariness in her eyes grow and the longing to join the rest of her family. When he had received the news of her departure, it has shaken him to his core. The last member of his family was gone, but Vivienne had been a pillar of strength beside him, even in his sorrows. It was through her love that he was reminded he'd created a family of his own as well.

He rubbed Vivienne's shoulders before kissing her temple. "You should rest before Fiona and Cedric arrive. It's going to get quite loud with their children."

Vivienne laughed lightly, "I don't think Agatha will be too pleased."

James mirrored his wife's smile, "She pretends otherwise but Agatha enjoys the company of the little ones."

"I'm inclined to agree with you on that."

James gently nudged his wife towards the stairs that led to their bedroom. "Go nap," he urged.

Vivienne gave him a pleading smile, but it was laced with a hint of mischievousness, "Won't you join me?"

James groaned, running his fingers through his hair. On the one hand, he had a lot of work to complete before his friend's arrival but on the other hand, he could spend that time with his wife...

As if seeing his churning thoughts, Vivienne blinked her thick eyelashes at him prettily. Her blonde hair sparkled in the sunlight. He didn't think about if for a moment before he scooped her up by the waist and into his arms. She let out a cry of surprise. "Don't think that I'm going to keep my hands off of you though," he warned, carrying them both up the stairs.

She looped her arms around his neck and gave him a bright smile, one that made her green eyes shine and his heart patter.  "I was planning on you misbehaving Your Grace."

"Ah then a rogue is what you shall get my duchess." he echoed.

She laughed, and he bent his head to capture her plush lips in a sweet kiss. Here with his family and duchess, was where James was always meant to be, and he couldn't be more grateful. The two of them had been through a lot in their earlier relationship but they had survived it all.  Whatever life had in store for them in the future, James knew he could get through with it with Vivienne by his side. After all, like their father's had predicted years ago, the two of them were always meant to be.



Just a short epilogue, to see what the duke and duchess are up to now.

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