Chapter 58 Part two

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Dalton, who kept quietly standing by her side, burst out in anger when he heard that she wanted to go back to the earthy world to find her lost memory.
" What?! Say that again; I think I misheard something."Dalton's eyes look blacker than their original obsidian orbs.
Maricella felt a flickering of fire and electricity running through her body and the atmosphere in the room dropped low. Some of the chandeliers' lights start to explode. Dalton's domineering face stared at her like a vast galaxy, there was nothing that she could sense in him but anger.
She tried to reach out to him, Somehow she felt like she knew a touch could calm him down but he stepped back not wanting any contact with her. His action made a piercing pain in her heart but at the same time, her mind is telling her that she did nothing wrong. Why is searching for her lost memory suddenly a big deal for him to change his mood drastically?
" Please, could you  hear me out first before reacting to my decision?" She said to him but Dalton just raised his hand indicating for her to stop talking.
" No. I won't listen to any of your nonsense reasons, Maricella. You are not going anywhere but here and that's final ." He lastly said before disappearing in a mist.
Everyone was in awe, nobody made a reaction but Maricella is cooking deep inside.
She wondered how she handled him before?! He's just a stubborn demon! and she's so pissed off right now that she wishes to disappear also in front of the people who look worried about her.
"He just shocked big sis, don't mind him." It was Sophie who broke the trance.
" Maricella doesn't be angry at him, Dalton is probably surprised that you still want to go back to the earthy world after everything that happened," Martha said awkwardly.
" Come now guys I think we should give Maricella a chance to speak her mind about this. I know she has a profound reason for returning to the earthy world.
Am I right, Maricella?" Queen Sophia asked with an encouraging smile on her face. She smiled back at the Queen and nodded her head.
" Alright let's all sit down and hear her out."Queen Sophia and everyone went sitting down in their chair.
Maricella feels so overwhelmed by their support that she just wishes Dalton could understand her meaning. Maybe later she will try to talk to him privately.
Either way, there's no denying that her husband and his opinion matter most to her.
Her mood mellows down especially when she thinks of how he struggled to find her. Even though she couldn't remember the pain of being unbound with her real mate. She knows it's beyond words to explain how painful it is not to feel your other half and the emptiness of losing them is a horrible feeling.
It's the reason why some vampires become rouged or heartless. Some can't bare the pain and kill themself.
Suck, she also feels sad.
She should have told him first before anybody else.
Staring back at the immortals in front of her, Maricella cleared her throat.
" Please forgive me for spacing out, I will go straight to the point, I need my memories from the past. I don't know if any of you understand this, but I have this feeling of emptiness that only those memories could fill in. If somehow in the end I still can't regain those lost memories of my past, I promised everyone that I will give up on searching and embrace my future with my husband." She scanned everybody's reaction and was pleased to see that they all agreed with her.
" Ok! That's settled. Now you only need to persuade my big bro to agree with this so we can go back to the earthy world! Yes!" Sophie cheered and made everybody laugh. All that is present in the room knows that the princess loves the earthy world.
" Not so fast young lady. You're supposed to learn everything about our kingdom so when Maricella regains her memories, I, your father can step down from the throne and have some leisure time with your Mother." King Damien killed off the excitement which made Sophie pout her lips looking like a sad puppy with big round eyes staring at her parents.
"But father, I wish to go with them. I never had so many chances to go there after my brother made a problem in the earthy world, my career as a famous fashion designer will be a legend if I don't go back. Please mother allow me to go with them. Please Father.please." Maricella thinks Princess Sophie over-begged her parents and pouted her lips so much that it was hard for everyone not to laugh at her.

She watches as King Damien looks at his Queen like she's the most treasured demon in his life when the truth is he just can't stand the way his only daughter looks right now. But Queen Sophia is with her daughter. She wishes to visit the earthy world too. After seeing it a few times she fell in love with its beauty and nature. So Queen Sophia looks at her Husband like they can speak using their minds only. A little bit later Maricella can see King Damien knitted brows before sighing in defeat.
" Alright! you bewitching little wrench! I wonder how I become a King when one look from you and your mother and  my heart is already melting." King Damien rumbles while the Princess and the Queen have an ears-to-ears champion smile.
" Yes! thank you, Father. You're the best! And I love you so much." Sophie stood up and went to her Father to kiss and hug him tight.
" Don't thank me yet, you got the approval from me but still your brother will have the last words from this. Make sure you behave well and will not cause trouble to anybody once your bother said yes."
" I promised father, I'll be good."
" Ok then, I still have a lot of things to do today. Give us some heads up if ever you can persuade your husband Maricella." King Damien stood up together with his Queen.
" Yes King Damien, thank you for everything," she stood up also and went to hug both of them.
" You better start to learn by calling me Father, Princess Maricella. A family should always understand each other no matter what." Maricella was beyond surprised for a brief moment and again overwhelmed by the love and support coming from Dalton's family. She smiled candidly and hugged them both.
" Thank you, Father. "
" Alright, we should be going pleased, take good care of yourself and your baby. If your Mom and Dad won't disagree, please give birth in our castle. It's a tradition for how many generations every one of the offspring of the family was born here. We would be pleased if you will consider that also." Queen Sophia said before gently caressing my still-flat stomach.
" We have no problem with that, Earthy World is unsafe for her and we know that after the incident occurs. I and my wife are entrusting our only child to your care King Damien and Queen Sophia."  Her father speaks while her mom is trying to hold back her tears. Like she's finally letting go of her, her only daughter.
" You are our daughter's family, if it's not too much for you I wish you can live in the castle too. " King Damien word's made her heart swell with joy.
" Thank you for the offer, King Damien. My Daughter is my only princess and it's really hard to say that we had to let her go and not see her very often once she became a crown Queen. I am beyond grateful but the decision is up to my wife. What do you think of it, my love?" Maricela's father stared at her mother with eyes full of love.
" Such a great offer can't be let off, after seeing such a horrible scene when my daughter is getting married in the earthy world and almost losing not only her but my grandchild and my husband also. I am honored to accept it. Thank you for not outcasting us because of our indifference and for treating Maricella as a family." Her mother wholeheartedly spoke with the utmost respect and bowed her head to King Damien and Queen Sophia.
"As we said, we are now a family. I will instruct my people to prepare a place inside the place for the two of you."
" Thank you, King Damien and Queen Sophia " her parents speak in unison.
"Very well, we will leave you now, Maricella take good care of them I know you still have a lot of catching up with your mom and dad"
" Follow us, Sophie." Queen Sophia lastly said. Sophie bid them goodbye and followed her mother.  Maricella let out a sigh of relief when Dalton's family was gone, well at the least they all agreed with her the only problem now is that damn brute.

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