Chapter-36 Dream

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Everything went so fast, Maricella cry in pain, seeing each of her loves once defeated with just a swift hand.
She wondered how powerful is this person to wipe out her family, whom she thought is the most powerful one either In the earthy world or in the demon world.
Even Dalton, her husband, was not on par with him.
She screams in horror when she sees how he flips Dalton and smashes his body on the ground.
Maricella could hear her husband crush bone, and she couldn't take it anymore!
She begged him to stop.
For everyone to stop.
There's too much blood, and she doesn't want to lose any of them!
Maricella watched as the stranger strode to her when he felt no one is challenging him anymore.
Then his gray eyes stared at her with no emotion.
"I'm sorry, Maricella, if I ruin your wedding day, but you have something that I need, please allow me to demonstrate what it is." he waves his hand at her face, and she's like a puppet who bends her head on the side, exposing the naked skin on her neck.
She screamed in horror when she realized what he meant to do to her.
"Sweet Angel, wake up!"
Maricella woke up with Dalton's loud voice and a slight shiver on her shoulder. Her face is full of beads of cold sweat. Her dream felt so real that she is trembling in fear.
"Damn it! What's wrong sweet angel? Please answer me.." Dalton's worried voice brought Maricella back to reality.
"Water. I need water, please.." she begs while tears start to stream down her cheeks.
Dalton grabs a fistful of his hair in frustration. He took the empty glass, poured water on it, and gave it to his wife.
He's not at ease that she's not giving him any access to her mind.
He wanted to help her, but she was shutting him out, and that made him even more frustrated.
"Here, what's wrong sweet angel.." Dalton repeated his question, but Maricella couldn't muster enough strength to tell him her dream.
She starts to shiver again, and he felt helpless. He couldn't stand what was happening to his wife, so he stood up and said, "I'm calling Uncle Dimitri since you are not letting me in your mind.
I won't sit idle here, not knowing what is wrong with you." He said before grabbing some robe to cover his half-naked body.
Maricella didn't want to be alone, so she pleads.
"S-stay...with m—me, please..." Maricella manages to speak.
Dalton stopped immediately and went back to bed.
"Shush, it's ok. I'm here, sweet angel.." Dalton pulls the blanket up to cover her body while hugging her from behind.
"It's just a dream, and nothing can harm you as long as I am here. Sleep, my sweet angel. I will stay and watch you while you're asleep." His soothing voice and hand that was slowly caressing his wife's arms while once in a while kissing her temple made Maricella finally calms down.
Slowly, her shivering body started to relax. thankful she turned around to face her worried husband and tried to ease those creases that form on his knitted brows.
"Thank you.." she uttered before kissing his lips.
She's so thankful to have a husband like him and she can't ask for more. The fact that she's with a child in her belly and her loving husband just made her life complete.
She wishes all she sees in her dream is not real, or she wouldn't know how to continue her life anymore.
Her purpose in living is driven by her husband, Dalton, and her baby. Without them, she's just an empty shell.
Thinking more about it and back to her horrible dream.
She snuggles closer to her husband while inhaling deeply his masculine scent to calm her down. It has a potent calming effect like a drug that she could never live without.
She felt her body relax and, her eyelid slowly becoming heavy. Maricella started to doze off under the warm embrace of her husband. The next day She wakes up with a severe headache and a cramp in her stomach. But knowing how Dalton reacts to even the tiniest complaint she made, she doesn't want to bother his sleep.
True to his word, she knows that her husband kept watching her until she is sound asleep. She bit her inside cheeks to suppress the pain from the cramp of her stomach while gently putting down Dalton's hand that still lay comfortably on her waist.
She sighed in relief when he didn't even move.
He must be exhausted, poor Dalton.
Maricella wanted to plant a kiss on his lips to reward him for his love and care, but she quickly dismissed it. He had already had so much trouble last night taking care of her. Moving aside, she walks to their in-suit bathroom and took a warm shower, thinking it might help lessen the cramp in her stomach. It may be due to the excessive stress she encountered in her dream. She can't believe it's just a nightmare. It felt so real like she could feel the stranger's fang digging into her skin.
Automatically her hand reaches for her neck, feeling the spot where that unknown vampire bites her. There was none, no marking at all. Maricella took a deep breath.
It's just a bad dream, nothing else.
She tried to convince herself, but her heart still didn't feel alright about it. Knowing a vampire doesn't have a dream unless it's somehow connected to them in the present, like mates or family in danger. It is hard for her to push it ultimately aside.
The first time she had it is the day she met Dalton in the Academy Trust. After that, she never had any dreams.
She tried to brush it away from her mind since she knows there was no such powerful immortal that could challenge her husband.
After she and Dalton find out that they are having a baby, they decide to stay in the Demon world for two months.
Those months have ended, and she promises her mom and dad that she will come back to do her second wedding in the earthly world. Both husband and wife decided to do the wedding while her stomach is not yet noticeable. Today they are planning to go back to the earthly world to process everything. Luckily the leaders of the high society disregarded the case that the old geezer, King Alfonse filed due to the death of his beloved nephew.
Dalton gathered a lot of evidence proving how cruel William, was to his royal servant. How he mistreated them by feeding them only human food which is not enough to invigorate their body and restore their strength. He even stated that William isn't stable in mind, locking away his servant son so they will never refuse his command or won't ever think of running away from him.
Due also to Maricella's persuasion, her husband found a way to lift the royal servant seal to Katja and her family.
They are now free and can travel anywhere in the world as they are no more slaves from the historical past.
She felt truly happy for them, especially for Katja, because she helped her a lot when William kidnaped her. She didn't notice that William has a psychotic side. In the beginning, when they meet way back in the school bus, Everything seems decent to him, Maricella even finds William a cute and cheerful person.
It was only too late when she found out that he was faking it all along to gain her trust. She thought if it was only real, she could be good friends with him. Anyway, he's gone already, and he deserved his punishment for killing his soulmate and mistreating his royal servant.
On the other side, Abi and her mate Marcus are still beyond stars full of love for each other. They are still studying at school, and the first semester will end soon.
Maricella felt jealous of them because she can't study in the demon world like those two. She missed the campus and her friend, but most importantly, she missed studying.
Her reminiscing was interrupted by a soft kiss on her exposed shoulder. Dalton was standing behind her busying himself to mark her exposed skin with those addictive lips that can make so many wonders to her body. Instantly she starts to feel warm and wet just thinking about where those lips could go. Her thought wandered about it on one of her breasts, and Dalton didn't fail her. She hums in delight while the sneaky devil disposes of her towel. She felt it slide from her body and went down on the floor.

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